* Posts by MsScullz

5 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Nov 2016

Here's a fun idea: Try to unlock and drive away in someone else's Tesla


I'd like to know how far this flaw goes. Teslas have an optional PIN feature so that even if you get into someone else's car, you need to enter the PIN to be able to drive it. There's no mention of this in the story, so either a/ neither of these people had set up a PIN, or b/ the car also accepted the wrong one. If it's b/ then I'm going to be exceedingly concerned.

What the @#$%&!? Microsoft bans nudity, swearing in Skype, emails, Office 365 docs


When I saw this story I assumed it was an April Fool's Day joke but now I'm not so sure.

It's all well and good to say, "they're not listening and will only investigate if someone complains" but it sounds a bit like all it takes is for an ex partner or other malicious party to dig out an email with the word 'sh*t' in it, and hey ho, you're banned from Microsoft services.

As someone who swears like a sailor, and plays in private Xbox parties whilst drinking heavily and verbally abusing the other participants - with their consent, I might add - I am feeling very uneasy right now.

Boss put chocolate cake on aircon controller, to stop people using it


Re: Heating / Aircon

With all due respect, I have to strongly disagree that "wearing jumpers" is the solution here. Just putting on a jumper doesn't fix the fact that my fingers and nose start to go numb with cold if the temperature drops below 20 degrees. I have been known to sit here wearing a hat and scarf. I sometimes also don mitts, but they make typing pretty hard work, which is far from ideal given that I'm a sys admin.

I don't know what the solution is to prevent air con wars in offices, but dismissing people who genuinely can't cope with the air temperature being cold is not it.

Slacking off? ICO probe throws up concerns over instant messaging


Last time I checked, the free version of Slack was for personal use only, and regardless of whether the chat is 'mostly non-work related', surely having channels with UK Government in the name constitutes business use? I'm surprised Slack themselves haven't picked up on this and sent them a big fat bill.

User needed 40-minute lesson in turning it off and turning it on again


What do you mean by "click"?

I once, as a fairly new helldesk employee, spent an hour and a half on the phone to a user who rang to say she couldn't log in. It soon became evident that she had never used a computer in her life and the normal "click this, type that" instructions made no sense to her: I had to walk her through *how to use the keyboard and mouse*. When I finally got her onto the desktop I demanded to speak to her manager, strongly recommended training the user, advised that we don't provide it ourselves and hung up. I turned around to a standing ovation from the rest of the desk, who had been listening in amazement.

Soon after that event was when I took up drinking.