That means it'sours
Well since Mars and Australia both produce Opals - it stands to reason that Mars belongs to Australia.
The question now is, how soon can someone get up there and put an aussie flag on it for us?
17 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Aug 2007
Censorship of the internet to protect the children is THE PARENT'S JOB!
As an Aussie I am appalled that our gubbermint would even contemplate such an absurd idea! What's really worrying is just who is going to decide what belongs on these lists? There is some pr0n out there that I would happily watch/view but am unlikely to personally indulge in... then there are the things I would do/have done that most 'puritans' would be absolutely gobsmacked by! None of it illegal (yet) only ever with consent of all involved, and only involving adults.
I believe that as a law abiding, tax paying, other wise upstanding citizen I have the right to unfettered access to whatever type of pr0n I so choose - providing that it a) doesn't delve into the obvious no go area ie: kids and b) that by accessing it for myself I am not exposing any body else to it be they minors or other adults who may not like it...
How and why do so many of us dream of the lovely Moderatrix when we've scarce seen a picture of her? Her wit does surely show a lass with some degree of intellect, perhaps we are all just lust-hounds for an educated girl?
Where's the picture? WE WANT PICTURES!!!! >>> Please.
This is just the govt's way of softening up the populace. One by one different departments will *lose* different data sets, until such time as everyone can be fairly sure that their data is "in the wild". The govt then has us all by the balls and can force us to relinquish all our personal data on the grounds that it's no longer "private and confidential" information anyway...