Re: the error is in call it "AI" !!!
"The "A.I." in a driverless car would be able to recognise a tiny fraction of the things we are able to recognise" - Sorry but selfdriving vehicles are able to recognise much more than human and have a lot more possibilities to crunch a lot of "impressions" in a very short time. So every selfdriving car knows that if a ball crosses the road, there might be a child that follows. Maybe it knows it very well because the car in the front has recorded this child and already informed the following cars. The car also recognizes if someone standing beside the road is shaking his head and maybe knows that the person did run for the last few minutes because he/she wants to take the bus that will stop on the other side in just one minute. A selfdriving car knows what is happening after a hill what a human never could know/see. So it is not about one car. It's about the connection and reaction to a lot of data, delivered by a lot of devices (cameras, web, smartphones, smartwatches, fitnessbands, traffic lights etc.) much more data that a human can analyse in the same amount of time.