* Posts by SWEng2016

9 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Nov 2016

Trump's taxing problem: The end of 'affordable' iPhones


Re: ah ... economics

Or, sell in to promising emerging consumer markets like China (ask VW how this might be done).


When that manufacturing does come back it is likely to be highly automated, leaving the unemployed jobless still.


Re: In Trump friendly Texas...

Godwin’s Law does not dispute the validity or otherwise of references or comparison to Hitler or the Nazis. (RationalWiki)


Re: I am Mad

Where do you get your drugs? I could use something like that.


As an IT worker in the US I have never had any trouble staying employed. I was working contract in telecom at the time the dotcom and telecom collapse occurred. I became unemployed just before Thanksgiving holiday (late November) and had a new job lined up to begin in January right after the Christmas holiday. That was the longest of several periods of unemployment If you don't keep your skills up and diversified you can only blame yourself for your inability to stay employed and well paid. I am able to consistently command 6 figure annual incomes.

Trump's plan: Tariffs on electronics, ban on skilled tech migrants, turn off the internet


Re: And we thought BREXIT was bad

Where there's smoke there's fire. But all I find are a bunch of partisan republicans blowing smoke out their asses while yelling FIRE! FIRE! and pointing at the Clintons. The Clintons may be despicable people, but if that were a crime Trump would be in a maximum security prison by now.


Re: And we thought BREXIT was bad

Actually, Clinton won the votes of the majority of U.S. citizens. Trump won more electoral college votes, and that is what elects the president, not the citizens.


Re: And we thought BREXIT was bad

While the debt increased, the annual deficits (the rate at which the debt was increasing) were getting less each year. Under republicans the deficit historically increases each year, leading to the debt to grow faster with each passing year.



I want to tell you all how appalled and disappointed I am that other people living in the country I live in have decided that electing a giant orange as-hole for leader was a good idea. I also realize that his plans and actions are likely to cause great economic destruction and social distress throughout the world. This may lead many of you to want to kick us in the butt. Knowing that it will be impossible for you to separate those who supported from those of use who opposed, fell free to kick anyway. I only ask that you kick repeatedly and with great force, in the hope that those responsible for this disaster will not be inclined to act so mindlessly in the future.