Influencers can only influence dummies who can't, won't, and lazy people.
No problems here. No social media account, not a single one! Life is good without the dumb opinions.
65 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Nov 2016
Zoom was unknown until its founder left Cisco/WebEx and started Zoom. Streaming technologies are only dpenedent on Internet bandwidth! Nothing majical about streaming anymore. NetFlix proved, thousands and thousand of channels can be stremed with high-speed internet and cloud computing (Amazon).
Yep, they had the feature! Didn't work reliably for me. Maybe, Apple added reliability into the feature.
Most vendors push out products w/o adequately testing for reliable and consistent operation to advertise a feature to sell more products. Apple on the other hand only releases features after thoroughly testing.
Makes a big difference to me.
If you and your politicians haven't learned see-ereliance is important during the Covid-19, all of you are dumb as a door nail (US saying). Didn't UK import Covid-19 test kits from Turkey that turned out to be defective and useless?
Modi is not talking about self reliance in the way you are interpreting. Modi is saying, India needs to make the things Indians need. Reality, os India always had the brains. What it did not have is the money it takes for high-tech research and development. It is changing so the government can focus on research and building industries
It is rich coming from Brits, who stole everything they got from India over 200 years of slavery called colonial rule.
India, the richest thriving country in the world before British occupation made into the poorest country of the world when the occupation ended in August 14, 1947.
Take a walk through the Tower of London, visit exhibits of gold, silver and jewels in castles like the Winchester Castle then, come back tell where those exhibits came from.
Some folks are wedded to the past, horse and buggy's, viking ships, MS DoS and Widows 97. Why bother about their useless discoveries and publish and waste time?
People talking about SSH (90%) of them are not using SSH encryption incorrectly anyway. I talk to developers all day about SSH and TLS, most of them don know the difference between wild-card (snake oil), certificate, domain bound certificate, and believe as long as they choose AES-256 the world is safe and everything is encrypted.
I am going to have 20th one-hour call today with a developer alleged to be an expert in PKI Design!!!
1. Use your brain
2. C-Suite, don't save money by sacrificing security
3. Developers, you are not security experts, you only know how to call API's to make security (e.g., PKI) work, so listen to your security experts.
4. Security team is on your side so, C-suite and engineering managers pay attention to what your security team telling you
5. Don't use proprietary OS, pick an OS with widespread adoption and solid community support.
6. Listen to your cloud service providers and don't think you can make anything cheaper, better and secappure than the CSP's
7. Use certified container distributions, since most IoT applications use Container technology and micro services
8. Secure all ingress and egress internet interfaces
9. Secure all internal virtual network network interfa. Everces
10. Use cryptography extensively
11. Own and manage all your cryptographic key management ioperations and do not give to you third party. Every CASB has limitations and may provide you with false sense of security.
12. Automate infrastructure and security deployments and verify all security controls are verified and cetified by your security teams.
Lesson is very simple.
It is known fact that every country spies on every other country, friend of foe.
If you want to keep your national secrets, secret make your own.
This is not the end or the beginning and spying will continue unabated and intensively.
No one trusts anyone.
We humans are selfish, greedy untrustworthy animals!
In essence, company stock is a vehicle for rich investors and executives to get rich. Executives lie, cheat and mislead everyone in their get rich scheme. The entire free market/capitalist structure one big corrupt modern day slavery benefitting few.
Politicians are corrupt, government officials are corrupt, businesses are corrupt and the world is litrally burning and people keep on electing the same old idiots!
Once you cede your rights to the government, you are never, ever going to get it back peacefully.
Big brother is watching you everywhere like the Chinese government in the name of terrorism.
Nets question is who benefits from terrorism, governments to keep citizens in perpetual fear and control.
Welcome to the new world!
Now you know why engineers are engineers and journalists are just that.
One cannot put chips wherever one wants willy-nilly.
Where would insert a chip in parallel with Ethernet chip before or after? How does it control the network data flow?
Here is a clue, IT software can be messy and doesn't follow rules all that much and is left to the developer. Network protocols, on the other hand, are unforgiving. You change one bit, it stops working.
Cheap off-the-shelf hardware. You get what you paid for. Next shut down will be caused some crappy software developed using Agile one-line stories.
Who came up with the bright idea that one can develop quality (I know quality and software, right!) software using Agile.
Yep, Agile is great for changing products and prices on an E-commerce web site.
I work in the InfoSec area also and had lots of stress few years ago. I cam to the conclusion that, there is nothing I can do if the CISO and the 'C' suite gang overrides all of the security controls in place. I tell them, reply to my email with approval.
I pass the risk to them and now I sleep like baby. Folks, it is not worth your health and well being.
An enterprise without an annual 3rd party audit is useless. The audit committee of the board directors must insist on 3rd party audits and control the audit by having the 3rd party audit firm report directly to them. No I do not work for a 3rd party audit firm. I learned from a CISO, who did annual black hat test on his InfoSec program. He use to ask as, how do I know we are `best we can be?
This pittance of a fine is the reason multi-billion dollar corporations continue steam from the consumer, carry-on illegal activities all across the world.
All fines should be a % of their global revenue. Let's set the base 6% of global revenue for the first offense, x 1.5 for the second and to 25% for the third.
I don't know about the UK but in the US, every employee must sign an intellectual property right and a confidentiality agreement as part of the employment contract.
So, anyone leaking confidential information is breaking a contract and breaking the law.
In today's tech world, IP is more important than ever. It is time to single out leaches and leakers and punish them to the full extent of the law.
People like Ajit Pai hold onto out dated ideology. There is Steve Bannon wanting to destroy the so called administrative state, there is Jeff Sessions who wants to bring back slavery, there is Price who wants kill poor people and there is the idiot at EPA reversing environmental protection and there is Pai who wants to take electronic communications to the POTS era.
All of them including their boss Donkey Rump doesn’t understand the world has moved on and confronted with new problems and disasters and technology and human cooperation is the only solution.
At the moment, Google, Facebook and other tech companies must stand up against the governments brainless regulations and unite the public across the world.
One thing common in this administration is that, all appointees are the least informed and qualified in the agency, they are appointed to manage. The proof of “Peter Principle” and the damages it brings.
Completely agree with your points.
As a practical matter U.S, does not have any protection laws so the US based companies are not used to it, especially the anti-social networks.
It is not that difficult to filterout fake news and propoganda. Besides, none of their users are going to complain, even if some content is filtered out.