RE: Quad 33
Oooh, I've got one of them in my loft!
50 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Feb 2007
Despite it apparently being considered by some to be a "joke", Wimbledon is still the most prestigious Open in the entire tennis season.
I'm by no means a tennis fan, but I don't think you can call the main event in a season a joke. It'd be like calling something a "World Series" when one nation (and one team from another nation) play it...
Anyone else think that "firesux" is really grasping at straws for ways of saying
"I don't like this product for no reason other than I took a dislike to it over some arbitrary thing it did differently from how I would've done, were I able, so I'll add some kind of insult to the application into its name and round it off with a nice fat, ultra-cool 'x' so that everyone knows how cool and hip I am"
Granted, it's shorter.
After the recent hoo-hah about MP's expenses and the fact that London has a Congestion Charge already - which they can claim back as part of expenses - does that apply to the councillors and local MPs of Manchester? Can they claim back their C-Charge as part of an expense of being a part of the local government? Cause if so, surely that means anyone who works in Manchester (or, for that matter, London) should have a legal precedent for claiming theirs back.
Plus it just fans the flames of all those who say that MPs don't live in the real world any more. Try paying for things yourselves when you put taxes up.
Of course, I could have the whole situation completely wrong and be making a spectacular ass of myself.
(Oh, and Paris. Cause she's got a spectacular ass too.)
I've noticed similar restrictions kicking into place about 5pm every day myself. No matter what traffic we've done that day, come the early evening and our connection can be worse than dial-up. I've tried to get it sorted with Virgin, but as they're still charging premium rate for net support line - till June - I've not wanted to spend the money.
Oh, and they took more money than my bill said it was going to be earlier today. Do I get offered compensation? No.
So many people are bashing MS, which is of course fine by me. Others are leaping to the defense of IE, which is kinda ok .. only when you say "stop bashing MS, they're doing you a favour by adding this new tag in" it's kinda not seeing the bigger picture. They wouldn't have to have done this if they'd simply written their browser properly from the very beginning. MS caused more headaches for web developers than any other company on the planet. They forced people into writing things that only work with their broken browser by bundling it with an OS that comes pre-installed on 99% of home and work computers.
It's all very well and good saying that this new meta tag is useful or not useful, but personally I just think it's astonishing it's taken _8_ versions for MS to realise that there are web standards out there, and people like to use them.
Bill Gates sucks. I love my 360. I hate Sony. My PS3 rocks. Nintendo make consoles for kids. I play on my Wii more than anything else.
All in all, makes about as much sense as the usual flames wars over the consoles. Personally, I wonder why people spend so much time and vehemence over the matter when they could be using said consoles for fun.
I thought we already had a Freesat service in this country. My dad ditched Sky a while back (about 2 years or more now, I think) and bought a Freesat card for about £15 and has been using that for some time. So I'm a little intrigued about how the service is only just launching...
Wasn't GTA4 delayed for quite a while cause they struggled to get the performance out of the the PS3? As far as I recall, the 360 version had been ready to go since about June 2007, but the PS3 just couldn't cope with what was being asked of it. I suppose that in lowering the resolution they overcame that .. as well as asking you to install stuff to your PS3 HDD, without a choice apparently.
That, coupled with the ridiculous bundle price for the PS3 version (£320 for PS3, £200 for 360), means that the 360 version is far superior.
Cue flames.
Two comments apparently made by Webster Phreaky .. and both are completely contrasting. I've only been reading the comments about Pwn2Own for Webster's, frankly genius*, remarks.
I'm now starting to wonder if he has multiple personalities or something .. each one a fanboi of each platform.
* For a given value of genius, of course. And that value is 'i'.
I personally hate the mosquito noise. McDonalds in my city have had it for a while and it does my head in - they're positioned down the main street and I'm 22 so can still hear the stupid thing.
It would've put me off eating there if I wasn't so addicted to burgers, but it does give me a headache for about 20 mins every time I have to go past.
How can anyone who is sane of mind and not an MS employee possibly advocate the usage of IE?
Your reasonings are terrible:
1) Bugs being found is surely a good thing? It means they get fixed, as opposed to the developers sitting with their fingers in their ears going "lalalalala" and not wanting to admit that there might be flaws. Also, can you not see that the speed in which bugs are found means there's a good following for Firefox and the users report things quickly. Also, the speed in which bugs get fixed and new version is released speaks volumes about the developers being on the ball.
2) Firefox is only incompatible with websites that don't adhere to web standards properly. It's far stricter that IE with code, which should really ensure that people write sites properly in the first place and don't just leave it with rubbish code that only IE can display correctly (generally cause it was written in Frontpage, but that's beside the point). If more people used FF whilst developing websites, we'd have better, stronger code and less crap.
3) Yeah, OK, FF is kinda bulky. Still, it runs better than IE for me (x86 and x64) so really can't see a downside. There aren't that many people using systems that can't handle it nowadays. A quick glance at system requirements for both browsers shows that the latest version of FF runs on lower versions of Windows than MS's own IE, and the rest of the base system requirements are the same.
And so, to my conclusion:
You sir, are wrong.
Some people are so blinded by an automatic hatred of MS and their products, they can't see when something is actually good!
I've had my issues with just about every MS software package I've ever used (mostly their insistence on doing everything their way and that it is the best way and everyone else's method is wrong) but the 360 is a really good piece of kit. I'm currently part way through Orange Box - despite already owning and having completed HL2 on PC.
People .. please .. stop hating and start using! The only way to know if something is good or not is to use it yourself - don't just assume you know everything cause you read a magazine about it.
"If he had nothing to fear he would not have taken down his node"
Sorry? What planet are you on? And what story did you just read?
The guy wasn't worried that activities that he may or may not have been up to would be found out; he wanted to make sure that his family never went through that terrifying situation again. I completely understand that.
And have you been outside in the real world recently? Just about everyone suspects just about everyone else of pretty much everything nowadays. Not to mention that the various powers being imbued upon police forces mean that you can be innocent of anything and they can get you for something.
Personally, I think it's the governments and police that people need to fear most.
I love how you say Apple nicked the point-and-click interface from Windows.
Who invented the mouse? Apple. Kinda useful for point-and-click.
Incidentally, before you flame me into a charred heap of RegReader, I have a Linux (Arch) box, a Windows (XP64) box and an Apple (OSX) box. I'm using the x64 box right now, as it's my main box.
I have 3 boxes .. a Mac, a Linux box and a Windows box. Guess which one I'm using now and use most of the time ..
Windows! I bemoan Windows/Microsoft/Bill Gates constantly when things don't quite work as I want them, but still I come back to it and use it as my main box. Why? It supports the most games easily, software is easier to find and install for it if I need it, and most of the files I work with or deal with in relation to family and friends are in formats easily recognised by Windows.
I know that this kinda sounds like "everyone else uses it, so I do too" and that is true to a certain extent. Why make things harder for yourself?