* Posts by c0mey

1 publicly visible post • joined 5 Nov 2016

Computer forensics defuses FBI's Clinton email 'bombshell'


Ex-pat living in the US.

Let's get this out of the way, yes Trump should never hold office, he shouldn't have even got to the primaries. The establishment only have themselves to blame.

But EVERY SINGLE THING Clinton has said about her private email server has turned out to be patently false. No Classified information? There was, TS, SCIF stuff. She handed over all her emails? She didn't. Her lawyers manually reviewed each email. They didn't.

If this had been any member of the UK cabinet and this was made public the press would have had a field day. If this had been the UK you can be assured the head GCHQ would have popped round had a discrete chat and in no uncertain terms told them to knock it off.

Come on people this server had RDP exposed to the WAN, how many of us wold have been bollocked if that was on our pentest review? Now think that security orientated mindset was used to set-up and secure a server funnel wholesale amount government records through.

/*But the FBI did not point out that of the 650,000 emails mentioned to the US media, 95 per cent could not possibly be relevant.*/

Could be 99,90,80,70,60%... for all they know. Until they know why throw around unsubstantiated figured. There is a cache of emails, on a device that should have been handed over. But has subsequently came up in a case of an adult sexting a minor. Why should they speculate as to the contents. They gave material facts, some emails have cropped up.

/*could not officially look at or report on the emails without obtaining a specific new warrant. The letter implicitly acknowledged that the agency already had copies of all the mails on its computer systems */

Well they had copies of the 30k turned over, and the 15k they recovered. But they can't compare this dataset to what is on the email because they were sans warrant.

/*To find out how many emails on the laptop were relevant would have taken "seconds"*/

After they had a warrant...

/*As only 110 of 30,490 official emails previously examined by the FBI were found to contain classified government information....*/

What some partial figures there. From all omniscient wikipedia

The FBI investigation found that 110 messages contained information that was classified at the time it was sent. Sixty-five of those emails were found to contain information classified as "Secret", more than 20 contained "Top-Secret" information... According to the State Department, there were 2,093 email chains on the server that were retroactively marked as classified by the State Department at the "Confidential" confidential level. Of the 2,100 emails that contained classified information, Clinton personally wrote 104 and her aides wrote hundreds more.

But hey, whats a couple of TS documents laying about on a web facing server...