as if
Americans have the skills or knowledge to defend cyberthreats. now, how do enable full encryption on my iphone?
3 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Nov 2016
wow so stuck in the past you guys are incredible. I think I know what your issue is with the UI, windows 7 was made for you! it is true in many cases its hard for an old dog to learn new tricks, but hey, power shell isn't exactly new now is it. its a point and click interface no matter how you make it look. you can even teach corona a few things. to make your computing life easier. voice commands while reading the news for example
i was always under, possibly a false impression, that countries that stuck together, are stronger, more resilient and least likely to suffer immensely during hard times, share the load of burden and success. Are more stable
can someone explain to me in simple terms, what specific benefits britain would might or will gain by exiting the EU?. to me United is a far better idea