Safe to use?
The warning on the seasick pills "Stugeron may cause drowsiness. If affected do not drive or operate machinery." makes me a little worried that stoned sailors might not be able to avoid the US navy!
7 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Oct 2016
Trouble is they tried this at a local prison and half the neighbouring streets were also blocked! It took a visit from OFCOM to explain that the transmissions out of prison property were illegal on many counts! The blocking was stopped several WEEKS later. The suggestion to block WiFi is just the sort of thing that non-technical people spout out when trying to make a name for themselves. Can you imagine the ovation a speech like this would get at the next Tory conference? Why not put some modulation on the jammer so that plod can follow where the miscreants go? Er by the way, what about 5GHz, is that blocked too?
I have a rare illness and the very first thing that staff who do not know me do is Google my illness and then visit the top entry i.e. Wikipedia. Trouble is I wrote the Wikipedia page! I included a minor omission just to see how many medical staff relied on that information. They could easily get a full and extremely well written explanation from the Phoenix Mayo Clinic web site. Unfortunately it is not unheard of for them to ask me if the Mayo Clinic is NHS or private and then say they are not allowed to access their site!
The NHS tries, but is severely held back by staff who only know just enough to do their jobs.
There are apps on line now that link to thousands of web cameras using default settings to broadcast pictures of everything from sea views to children's bedrooms! The average punter is simply too stupid to be expected to change their password and let's be honest there is no incentive to do so - so why don't manufacturers "simply" send out devices with different random passwords preset? If the punter loses their password then too bad - or stick it on a label on the item itself. This could all be dealt with in the terms and conditions of sale. Too simple?