@Andrew Norton
*laughing* Took me back to my saturday morning youth, awaiting Centurions with glee. You yoinked Jake Rockwell. No fair I wanted to have WEASEL.
8 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Aug 2007
Have we really became a lifeform that cannot cope without a bollocksing remote control?
To all those thinking of buying one.
Stop being so B*stard lazy.
Stand up, Walk to said plug socket, switch it off.
Heavens forbid you may have to bend down or move furniture.
Would have made a classic Disney remake. Chav called Stevo meets Hound called Chantelle Mercedes Lilly Dobbs. 3 weeks in, they're both down the DSS sorting out a house for soon to be, newborn, no hoper in life. He then scours through skips and meets chavette skip rat, to continue the never ending Circle of Rife.