* Posts by torgo

3 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Oct 2016

A single typo may have tipped US election Trump's way


Re: help Trump / delegitimize the election process.

No, she loses the election because the current rules use the electoral college system as the basis of electing a US President. The popular vote count is (for the moment) simply an interesting statistic.

I'm wondering: if emails that the DNC (and the RNC) are so important and valuable, whey are they on the servers of a public company (Google/Gmail)?

Microsoft's Surface Studio desk-slab, Dial knob, Surface Book: We get our claws on new kit


Re: "spent some of that dosh on documenting the hardware so that Penguinistas"

It's never enough, is it?

Microsoft is a SOFTWARE company playing in the hardware space. It seems a lot of their software efforts are working in conjunction with Open Source. It's a strategy that can benefit both MS and the open source community.

So we have more harping that "MS is again trying to screw everyone 'cuz they don't have open source drivers for their hardware". Seems to me that you are whining that MS has produced a nice piece of kit, and you want to use it to run Linux. And you can't wait for the eventual drivers to be written / reverse engineered (who knows, maybe MS will eventually do it).

Microsoft is a business. They are no longer the ascendant monsters that haunt your nightmares. They are a company trying to keep relevant in a time of great disruption across the computer (hardware and software) industries. Do they always play nice? No. Same goes for Apple and Google. Do they want to make money? Sure. At least their software play can show some immediate benefit for the company. "Generating goodwill" is the sort of paffle that folks who want somebody ELSE to spend THEIR money throw around.

If you don't like what they are doing, DON'T buy or use their products.

Kids today are so stupid they fall for security scams more often than greybeards


Re: Scams?

"Having said that, isn't in now sad where we live in a society where if something is this defective, instead of complaining to the manufacturer, we instead automatically expect to pay for virus protection?"

So you're saying that any OS that is vulnerable to viruses is defective?

Seem you would have to add MacOS X (macOS) and all the various flavors of Linux to the mix as well as iOS and Android.

Which shows that you haven't really thought through your statement, have you?

Expecting perfection from incredibly non-trivial (but nonetheless useful) systems is completely pointless. How would one even know that a product is vulnerable in the first place unless millions of units are in the wild and eventually attacked by the bad guys?

Of course, you can wait for the perfect system and opt out of the current rash of "defective" software...