The ideal full English
2x Smoked Back Bacon
2x Cumberland Sausage
1 Fried Egg
2 Slice's Black Pudding
Peeled Plum Tomato's
1 Black Coffee
2x Toast, buttered for the egg yolk
And peace and quiet
86 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Aug 2007
I dont trust CD's and DVD's in a PC in the slightest.
On more than one occasion I've had them spin up and shatter in the drive, turning them into high speed shrapnel that fires out of the front of the machine fortunately narrowly missing me but on one such hitting someone behind me in the back of the head.
Deeply glad they are dying out in favour of flash storage and cloud.
I remember going to a Microsoft presentation for a release of Exchange after Windows 7 had been released and the MS staff there all referred to Vista as "A previous Microsoft operating system", turns out they were not allowed to say Vista which we all twigged in a few minutes and spent the rest of the session trying to get any of them to utter the word.
Good times,,,,
....for massive wrangling with service providers tasked with providing some vague idea written on a post it note by a junior intern who's good with that Apple Mac thing he carries around for "That cyber security stuff I keep reading about in the Daily Mail" with constantly changing goalposts (By the customer of course) ending in nothing useful being achieved except a website (maybe) and a database and huge waste of expenditure of taxpayers money.
Did I miss anything?
Symantec are pretty much the same, they decided to rebrand MessageLabs this week and change the website branding for spam manager, the format of the spam manager emails they send to users, and informed people with a blog post on their news alerts that most of us didnt have access to.
Cue calls from lots of users and infosec types demanding to know what this phishing/malware/terrorist virus attack was all about.
Symantec's response? "It wasn't a major upgrade, what's the fuss about?".
Would have thought the mass of phone calls you evidently got that stopped us getting through for hours would have clued you in guys?
.....apparently having your husband caught out for watching porn and 'mistakenly' claiming it on expenses makes you qualified to judge and decide the viewing habits of the entire British public.
Wouldnt mind if it really was to protect the children, but its just another prudish, christian right wing fundamentalist telling us whats right and wrong.