* Posts by Chris Jasper

86 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Aug 2007


You don't get what you don't pay for, but nobody is paid enough to be abused

Chris Jasper

I Remember it well

Started a new job as an Exchange Admin and the IT Director obviously thought he could get one over on the new guy, had a short friendly chat welcoming me then proceeded to ask me to give him access to a bunch of mailboxes that he quite clearly had no business accessing.

I said I'd be more than happy to, just send me an email requesting the acces and I'll get it ticketed and sorted out for you, he got a very sour look on his face and said "You know how to cover your arse dont you?"

I replied, "Yes, yes I do".

Pure frustration: What happens when someone uses your email address to sign up for PayPal, car hire, doctors, security systems and more

Chris Jasper

Alternate Universe Me

I've had my GMail since the early days and I get a lot of this, particularly one who I think of as me if I was born in the US who signs up for a ton of things with my address and has even sent me a couple of mails demanding I give up my address as it should, I'm guessing, go to an American (?). Twat.

I dont do anything horrible with them, and if I get mails from things like schools organizing trips I always reply and let them know it's not for me, riveting as it sounds camping in the backwoods of Appalachia it's a bit outside my commute.

But it would be nice if he'd stop trying to use my f****ng address.

Man responsible for least popular iteration of Windows UI uses iPad Pro as a desktop*

Chris Jasper

I bought an iPad Pro 4 12 inch model not long ago, honestly for what it does it's a great tablet.

Awesome for reading digital comics (previous android tablets were just that little bit too small for my eyes) and watching films and TV, speakers are good as well and as I work exclusively with windows based pc's the fact that I can open up a vpn and rdp to a server if my pc dies is a useful bonus.

But it's not a pc replacement, it would drive me mental to use it full time for work.

Come on baby light me on fire: McDonald's to sell 'Quarter Pounder' scented candles

Chris Jasper

Re: Opportunity?

Chris Martin seen loitering outside local McD's..........

Chris Jasper

Honestly the only things I can eat from MuckyD's is the Breakfast Sausage and Egg Muffin (I refuse to add the Mc) with a hash brown and a coffee, the only things they sell that dont taste like despair and hopelessness and slightly of recycled cardboard.

And occasionally the pancakes, if I'm feeling adventurous.

Chris Jasper

Re: "...and

So wrong...........

How do you like dem Windows, Apple? July opening for Microsoft's first store in Blighty

Chris Jasper

Wait, does that mean there will be the Windows equivalent of Apple Genius staff??

That could be fun.........

Banhammer Republic: Trump declares national emergency, starts ball rolling to boot Huawei out of ALL US networks

Chris Jasper

Wonder how much Cisco stumped up to get this happening?

'Software delivered to Boeing' now blamed for 737 Max warning fiasco

Chris Jasper

Any chance Boeing did the usual laying off of people who knew what they were doing in favour of cheap labour in the back end of beyond before this system was rolled out?

Talk about a ticket to ride... London rail passengers hear pr0n grunts over PA system

Chris Jasper

Well at least they wont have to cutaway to footage of a train entering a tunnel...........

Sky customers moan: Our broadband hubs are bricking it

Chris Jasper

Re: "New and exciting feature"

New and exciting features we are going to have to pay more for, or find we have a mysteriously reduced service at the same price I wonder?

Not that I think the speed estimates on the router are at all inaccurate, not at all.............

Easter is approaching – and British pr0n watchers still don't know how long before age-gates come into force

Chris Jasper

Pretty sure this will sink quietly into the sunset

The whole idea is so full of holes it cant be anything other than a just a titanic failure, that's what happens when you let society look out for the kids rather than take some bloody parental responsibility and check what your kids are up to on the net once in a while.

Are you sure you've got a floppy disk stuck in the drive? Or is it 100 lodged in the chassis?

Chris Jasper

Yep, had the same thing happen, except to a supposedly senior creative type, complained of a mild burning smell coming from his PC and while we were there mentioned he couldnt get CD's back out of his machine.

Turned out he had been inserting them in the gap between the bays instead of the smart new caddyless CD drive, the burning smell was melting plastic from one of the 20 or so CD's he had put in there that was resting against the power supply.

Never assume stupidity or ignorance is not the answer.

Looking for super speed from Optane? It's doable but quite difficult

Chris Jasper

Re: Confused...

Near as I can figure it boils down to Optane: You cant polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter

ZX Spectrum Vega+ 'backer'? Nope, you're now a creditor – and should probably act fast

Chris Jasper

Re: I can't stand this nostalgia junk recreating junk.

Butterscotch Angel Delight...?

HMRC: We 'rigorously tested' IR35 tax-check tool... but have almost nothing to show for it

Chris Jasper

Honest Guv'nor, we tested it good an' proper

Are you sure your disc drive has stopped rotating, or are you just ignoring the messages?

Chris Jasper

Technical Project Staff

You know you are on to a loser when you get sent a screenshot from the supposedly technical staff installing a system that needs to email HR type notices asking why the system wont connect to your mail servers and the screenshot clearly states "Unable to connect, please use an authenticated account".

This went on for 3 months and they still hadn't figured it out despite myself and several others explaining the problem, in writing as well (which may have been further grist for non comprehension since reading comprehension seemed to be part of the issue), I finally left the company and as far as I know the system still cant send emails......

Begone, Demon Internet: Vodafone to shutter old-school pioneer ISP

Chris Jasper

Demon, blimey....

Long live Bogomip!!

Manchester man fined £1,440 after neighbours couldn't open windows for stench of dog toffee

Chris Jasper

I would guess not far...

Deliveroo to bike food to hungry fanbois queuing to buy iPhones

Chris Jasper


...If you can afford to take that much time off work, assuming you are poor enough to have to work, in order to queue to buy a phone that costs half a months wages for someone on reasonable pay then I guess you can afford the markup on Deliveroo.

Sysadmin trained his offshore replacements, sat back, watched ex-employer's world burn

Chris Jasper

Re: WTF?

Had the dubious pleasure of recovering from one of the service desk guys doing this to the IT ou (in the days before you could protect objects from accidental deletion, small company so sd had more rights than absolutely necessary), it was a very long time spent hoping my miraculously still logged in pc didn't lose power.

People are that stupid.

Chris Jasper

Booby traps not necessary

The majority of places I've worked where this kind of thing happened, (including my current one) don't really require leaving nasty surprises behind, the environments are usually so complex and full of legacy equipment and systems that you just can't do knowledge transfer in enough detail without literally downloading your head to the net.

Takes years to acquire all that local knowledge, can't be transferred in 3 Skype sessions....

British egg producers saddened by Google salad emoji update

Chris Jasper

Somebody think of the poor eggs


What could Facebook possibly do next to reassure privacy fears? Yup – make a dating app

Chris Jasper


Given some of the friend recommendations I get on FB, this is a terrible idea

IETF: GDPR compliance means caring about what's in your logfiles

Chris Jasper

People like the purveyors of Splunk will be popular...............

Secret weekend office bonk came within inch of killing sysadmin

Chris Jasper

Turned up for work one day about, wow 20 years ago, to find no-one in the IT Office, one of the officey types said they had all sprinted down to the basement shortly before.

Turns out there had been a major flood and the basement server room was 8 inches deep with black water that was only made blacker by the lack of lighting. Lots of power cables trailing in the water which I naively agreed to help lift out and place on higher platforms.

In hindsight, I was pretty stupid and thoughtless back then.

It took us less than 30 seconds to find banned 'deepfake' AI smut on the internet

Chris Jasper

Still not entirely certain why you would want to put someone else's face on a porn scene, also not certain why you had to go looking for it to write this article?

No Windows 10, no Office 2019, says Microsoft

Chris Jasper

Fine by me

Took me ages to learn Office 2010 as it is, and using Office 2016 for work is a right pain, especially if you haven't disabled the god awful hardware graphics 'acceleration' on a laptop that isnt exactly a powerhouse.

Kentucky lawmaker pushes smut filter law (update: maybe not)

Chris Jasper

Those who shout the loudest...........

..........usually have the most to hide

YouTuber cements head inside microwave oven

Chris Jasper

Re: Twat

"Would you stick your head in a gas oven?"

"Yeah, I saw some guy do it on YouTube the other day, it was mint!"

At least books required you to read, these days phones come with a youtube icon.....

Chris Jasper

Re: Twat

Sadly I think you're right and that we can expect a lot more entries

Chris Jasper


YouTube has a lot to answer for in providing a platform for attention seeking twats

Connected and self-driving cars are being sent to Coventry

Chris Jasper

RE: Article picture

"You made a self-driving car? Out of a DeLorean??"

UK Home Sec thinks a Minority Report-style AI will prevent people posting bad things

Chris Jasper

Science Fiction is wonderful

For the love of God, who gave her a Netflix login?

Harry Potter to get the Pokémon GO treatment

Chris Jasper

Repair bills

For iPhones used as a wand to throw spells that slip out of the little darlings hands.....

Chinese whispers: China shows off magnetic propulsion engine for ultra-silent subs, ships

Chris Jasper

The big question..

..does it sound like Whales humping?

Twitter: Why we silenced Rose McGowan after she slammed alleged sex pest Harvey Weinstein

Chris Jasper

So she was suspended for posting a private phone number, funny how they didn't suspend Trump for posting Lindsay Graham's number a little while back then..............?

Star Wars: Big Euro cinema group can't handle demand for tickets to new flick

Chris Jasper

It is only a film ya know?

But fair play, Cineworld should have anticipated the extra load.

Pre-order your early-bird pre-sale product today! (Oh did we mention the shipping date has slipped AGAIN?)

Chris Jasper

Vega Plus

Funny, if you go to the retro computers site they are still insisting the Vega will be out, most recent post was 9/8/2017 (not sure if that is UK or American date format?).

If it's a scam they are still going for it.

Vibrating walls shafted servers at a time the SUN couldn't shine

Chris Jasper


Worked at a place some time ago where the main file server was Novell and had constantly failing drives, replacing at least 1 a month with severe issues and cost waiting for engineers, rebuilding raid etc.

No-one could figure out why until we put a few disparate pieces of info together.

The office had flats all around it and a big aircon unit on the roof, turned out the locals were complaining about the noise overnight so the security guard was switching it off each night and back on again in the mornings before anyone turned up for work.

The drives heating up and cooling down were failing due to thermal stress.

Said guard had a stern talking to and the locals had to suck it up until the server room was relocated sometime after.

BOFH: We're only here because they said there would be biscuits

Chris Jasper


People get biscuits?


Veritas shrinks Sydney office, slashes 60-something support staff

Chris Jasper

Support offshoring

If India and Pakistan ever lose it and start lobbing nukes at each other, there goes all the world's tech support.....

Boffin wins (Ig) Nobel prize asking if cats can be liquid

Chris Jasper

Vagina speaker?

As if talking directly to a woman's breasts wasnt bad enough...........

Surfacegate: Microsoft execs 'misled Nadella', claims report

Chris Jasper

Re: Microsoft lying about surface?

I spent all this time thinking the e was some kind of symbol for get firefox or get chrome, who knew?

Robocall scumbags already target Hurricane Harvey victims

Chris Jasper

Re: Welcome to America!

Trump pledges $1 million dollars for relief funds, funny how he offered $5 million for Obama's 'real' birth certificate.......

Linus Torvalds passed a kidney stone and then squeezed out Linux 4.13

Chris Jasper

7 hours of agony sounds about right

Fair play, kidney stones are frickin' agonizing

'Driverless' lorry platoons will soon be on a motorway near you

Chris Jasper

Re: Good braking

What happens if God forbid a child manages to dash out in front of lorry number 3?

South London: Rats! The rodents have killed the internet

Chris Jasper

Happened a few years ago along Regent Street, I think some fool left a cap off a cable sleeve and the rats got in and had a feast, took out main internet for a few weeks as they wouldn't get in and repair it until the rats were dealt with first.

Cant say I blame them really, but 3 weeks running email on a backup 1mb colt line was painful as hell.......

Hell desk to user: 'I know you're wrong. I wrote the software. And the protocol it runs on'

Chris Jasper

Over the last couple of years, every bloody working day............

Chris Jasper

Re: HR Fail

I was working at a smaller company a few years back and we got bought out by a bigger one who had outsourced support via IBM, one of our regular helpdesk guys was going through a bunch of things on a call to help out a user when he felt a prod in his back, which he at first ignored, followed by more vigorous prodding.

Turned out to be the new Service Desk manager poking him and telling him to stop the call as he was helping too much and taking too long.

Service indeed.....
