Pencil to the rescue
Our solution when this happened during a long and involved test session was to sellotape a pencil across the still depressed switch
104 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2016
Indeed. The final quote at the end of the article could perhaps do with clarifying: "resolve outstanding legal matters related to the 737 MAX accidents in a manner that serves the best interests of our shareholders, employees, and other stakeholders including our money-grabbing, scumbag CEO and Board who couldn't give a flying f@&# about people's lives if it put their share options at risk" FTFY
In many ways working is like being a hamster in a wheel regardless of the need to commute. Not just "traveling to work to be able to afford traveling to work" but add in working to pay for childcare in order to go to work. And paying more for a place to live from which to commute to work. No time wasted commuting helps families, and working from anywhere could reduce housing pressures in cities and suburbs...
Only today I had cause to curse the inventor of the Office ribbon as I wasted valuable minutes I won't get back searching for an option I knew existed but didn't know the stupid little icon it was hidden behind. Text menus may be passé but I speak English better than pictograms and hieroglyphics!
Time to re-brand and re-issue those Skylab Protective Helmets again? Can even be made in China...
The cheek of it. They've not even asked the data subjects to sign up to thousands of words policy statements to give away their rights in the first place. Unlike those nice tech giants