Anyone remember the stink the Russians kicked up when SpaceX docked man rated Dragon for the first time? There was talk of donning suits and all sorts. I wonder if their will be the same histrionics when / if Boeing finally approaches?
Posts by ITnoob
27 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Sep 2016
Starliner snafu could've been worse: Software errors plague Boeing's Calamity Capsule
Falcon 9 gets its feet wet as SpaceX notch up two more launch successes
Blighty stuffs itself in Galileo airlock and dares Europe to pull the lever
UK 'wife'-carrying champion named
What's silent but violent and costs $250m? Yes, it's Lockheed Martin's super-quiet, supersonic X-plane for NASA
Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, off you go: Snout of UK space forcibly removed from EU satellite trough
Neil Young slams Google, after you log in to read his rant with Google or Facebook
MY GOD, IT'S FULL OF CARS: SpaceX parks a Tesla in orbit (just don't mention the barge) mass data slurping ruled illegal – AGAIN
Here come the lawyers! Intel slapped with three Meltdown bug lawsuits
UK Foreign Sec Bojo to tell Kremlin: Stop your cyber shenanigans... or else!
We talk to Tron artist Syd Mead: On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy
Home Sec Amber Rudd: Yeah, I don't understand encryption. So what?
Cops' use of biometric images 'gone far beyond custody purposes'
Apple: Our stores are your 'town square' and a $1,000 iPhone is your 'future'
Uncle Sam outlines evidence against British security whiz Hutchins
British snoops at GCHQ knew FBI was going to arrest Marcus Hutchins
WannaCry-killer Marcus Hutchins denies Feds' malware claims
WannaCry kill-switch hero Marcus Hutchins collared by FBI on way home from DEF CON
Electric driverless cars could make petrol and diesel motors 'socially unacceptable'
Drugs, vodka, Volvo: The Scandinavian answer to Britain's future new border
74 countries hit by NSA-powered WannaCrypt ransomware backdoor: Emergency fixes emitted by Microsoft for WinXP+
Oh snap! UK Prime Minister Theresa May calls June election
Wednesday 19th April 2017 00:06 GMT
Re: Who to choose?
I've been looking at our constituency result from 2015. Tories ~20,000, Labour ~ 17000, UKIP ~ 8000, Lib dem ~ 900. My wife and I have spent the best part of an hour trying to decide whether to vote tactically. Clearly LIb Dems are they way to go if you are anti-brexit but I'm not certain they could claw back ~ 12,000 votes in a constituency which has always switched between Con and Lab. So if it's tactical we have to vote Labour which would be really painful given their current shambolic showing.