As I've said before, it all makes Braindead look like a documentary.
10 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Sep 2016
This is actually a good tip. When CVs are expected to be 2 to 3 pages long it's hard to coherently get all of the key words in sometimes. Save a space for some white font size 1 text and get all of the keywords you want in. The search algorithms will pick up on these and highlight your CV for review.
The biggest problem with the Pixel phones, and it's almost like Google don't WANT it to succeed, is the price. If they really wanted to disrupt things they would've made it for barely any profit knowing they'd reap the extra cash from ads and data collection. They just don't seem serious.
As for Home: Siri, Cortana, Alexa, Eve, Samatha - these are all names you wouldn't be TOO embarrassed to be seen talking to. "Okay Google" is a name you would. They need to introduce some personality into it, let people name their assistant what they want. This dead eyed corporate Okay Google nonsense is going to get them nowhere.
Take for example 2 people. 1 creates a WI-FI hotspot on his phone and they both connect to it. The person with the hotspot gets asked to leave for having personal WI-FI, no interference there as even outside he can still access it. The second person however HAS had their WI-FI interrupted by the action of the venue so surely that DOES fall under the regs?