* Posts by TheVoodooRay

4 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Sep 2016

Ghostery, uBlock lead the anti-track pack


Re: Ghost redirects.

Yeah, I noticed viglink links on a forum that I recently signed up to, too.

I've not heard of them before, so found there's an opt out thing if you visit https://www.viglink.com/opt-out/

It's paydaygeddon! NatWest account transfers 'disappearing' (not really)


Yup, I just transferred some cash between NW accounts; it's left one and not appeared in the other. Their website is slow and the mobile app is slow, also.

Thank God for El Reg - I don't have to interact with NW to find out their systems are broken.

Android O my god! It's finally here (for devs)


It would be great if they'd fix this battery bug on the Nexus 6p... https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=227849

Virgin Media costs balloon by MEEELLIONS in wake of Brexit


Virgin Media have increased the monthly bill for my fibre by £3.50 - for the 3rd year in a row.

Each year I call them up, threaten to leave and they reduce my bill. It's great.