* Posts by deftelf

4 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Sep 2016

Dropbox would rather write code twice than try to make C++ work on both iOS and Android


Ah, the old arrogant 'rockstar' programmer bullshit, complete with pushing the one true language for all situations, and decrying anyone who doesn't want to use their preferred tools as amateurs, and implying that nobody working on mobile is 'senior'. Well done sir you've laid out all your prejudices very efficiently!

Very obvious that this programmer has never worked in mobile, but has lots of opinions about it.

Sick of Java and C++? Google pours a cup o' Kotlin for Android devs


Re: Benefits?

You're not going to lose your Java skills, unless you have the memory of a goldfish. It knocks off many of the rough edges to Java (especially Java6, which Android is stuck on).

Much more useful syntax in my opinion, eg properties, auto typed variables, lambdas, no primitive types (atleast not from a programmers perspective)... without alot of the verbosity that Java has. And crucially it still compiles down to bytecode so the safety is still there, and the same meaning is still there, it's not dynamic or anything scripty like that, it's still safe.

Pretty easy to learn for a Java programmer, because all the under-the-hood stuff is the same.

Continuous Lifecycle 2017: Meet the committee...


The less I hear about this the better

Oh joy... I cannot wait to have this promoted every other day again.

WhatsApp, Apple and a hidden source code F-bomb: THE TRUTH


Re: Debug logging

Log.d() doesn't do any logging on a release build, but the code isn't stripped out of the package that is distributed. That's what happened here (despite all the comments on here by non-Android devs that don't know what they're talking about), the code has been decompiled to expose these calls but they don't actually write anywhere in the released package.