* Posts by StatsBoy

6 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Sep 2016

Talk about high tech: Tens of thousands of Cali marijuana convictions to go up in smoke, thanks to algorithms


Re: The hippies have token over

They have. They became what they hated.

Just look at what they did to free speech on US college campuses when they became the administration. Or how you can lose your financial aid if you get busted for drinking in college and are under age.

DJI Aeroscope won't stop drone-diddlers flying round airports


You can't stop the bad actor

It's not like a quadcopter is a nuclear reactor. They aren't hard to build. So if u put too much restriction on the off-the-shelf models, baddies will just build their own. Or heck, build a few rc planes and throw them up at the same time in a fence formation.

This seems like a decent compromise to stop the guy that got a new drone for his birthday and never even stops to think what problems his new toy could cause for a pilot. But for someone intent on doing evil, there's not a lot you can do before the event.

Uber drivers game Uber's system like Uber games the entire planet


Re: RE: Uber is by far better for the customer.

Even if Uber drives out the competition...the moment they jack up prices competition will reenter the market.

It's a car service....there are literally no barriers to entry beyond a car, a phone and a pulse. That's why government stepped in years ago in most places worldwide and limited competition through regs, medallions, etc.

Uber is the kozmo.com of the 2020's. Great for consumers, but a crap business model.

Burglary in mind? Easy, just pwn the home alarm


Re: That implies targeted burglary

So you are of Indian heritage?

For some reason, the theiving gangs around here think Indian households all have mini Fort Knoxes in the basement....

Trump's cartoon comedy approach to running a country: 'One in, two out' rule for regulations


Man, this sounds exactly like the level of crazy heard round the world when Regan entered the Presidency. I was a teen then, but remember thinking "anyone pissing off this many people in power can't be all bad." Besides, when the same people who lauded the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the President who authorized drone killing of US Citizens without trial start lecturing on the Constitution...thanks, I'll pass.

Anyway, last year nearly 100,000 pages were added to the Federal Registry. That's one year. 3800 regulations. None of them by elected officials. (I know, Congress has oversight but I can count on one hand how many regulations I can remember Congress rolling back). All hold the force of law. There's no way a citizen could know them all. And ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Of course Trump is doing this in a ham-fisted way. He feeds on pissing people off. IF you can't see that by now, you aren't paying attention. But the goal is good and reasonable.

Spoof an Ethernet adapter on USB, and you can sniff credentials from locked laptops


Re: A totally hypothetical situation then

I believe if you re-read the article, it provides not one but two locations to buy the hardware to pull this off. And from following the link to the original researcher's page, even someone with my weak linux-foo skills should be able to pull off the capture.

Now, I personally have no idea what to actually DO with the captured data, but I'm sure there are plenty of people with that knowledge...