Man, this sounds exactly like the level of crazy heard round the world when Regan entered the Presidency. I was a teen then, but remember thinking "anyone pissing off this many people in power can't be all bad." Besides, when the same people who lauded the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the President who authorized drone killing of US Citizens without trial start lecturing on the Constitution...thanks, I'll pass.
Anyway, last year nearly 100,000 pages were added to the Federal Registry. That's one year. 3800 regulations. None of them by elected officials. (I know, Congress has oversight but I can count on one hand how many regulations I can remember Congress rolling back). All hold the force of law. There's no way a citizen could know them all. And ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Of course Trump is doing this in a ham-fisted way. He feeds on pissing people off. IF you can't see that by now, you aren't paying attention. But the goal is good and reasonable.