happily still using an original galaxy note. replacement battery (double size of original) was under £5.
Posts by salamamba too
58 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Sep 2016
Do not adjust your set: Hats off to Apple, you struggle to shift iPhones 'cos you're oddly ethical
Science fiction legend Harlan Ellison ends his short time on Earth
Microsoft returns to Valley of Death? Cheap Surface threatens the hardware show
Firefox to feature sponsored content as of next week
Re: Still one version back
I also reinstalled an older version of firefox, mainly as I didn't like the alterations to noscript for the new versions. I'm happy blocking all scripts by default, and then only allowing the ones I want each time. Others might think this is a faff, but I prefer knowing that any access is my choice/fault.
10 PRINT "ZX81 at 37" 20 GOTO 10
Microsoft whips out tool so you can measure Windows 10's data-slurping creepiness
ZX Spectrum Vega firm's lawyers targeted by empty-handed backers
UK Land Registry opens books on corporate owners
Lord of the Rings TV show shopped around Hollywood
Hello, Star Trek? 25th Century here: It's time to move on
Ethereum just checked that part of a Zcash transaction was legit
Unloved Microsoft Edge is much improved – but will anyone use it?
Police camera inaction? Civil liberties group questions forces' £23m body-cam spend
Re: "the data wasn't collated or held in an accessible format"
" Okay, so here we have different police forces that have spent valuable money on recording equipment, then state that said equipment is either not used, records not kept or not accessible, or records even not made."
- you are missing the codicil - Big Brother Watch was obtaining their data using Freedom of Information requests. The data may well be there, but would take time to collate. Organisations store data for their own requirements, which often don't fit well with the needs of people making FOI requests.
If collating the data is possible, but predicted to taken over a certain number of hours, then BBW would have been told this, and given the option of paying for the collation to occur. I haven't yet seen anyone willing to pay for the information they want on an FOI.
Microsoft ctrl-Zs 'killing' Paint, by which we mean offering naff app through Windows Store
May the excessive force be with you: Chap cuffed after Star Trek v Star Wars row turns bloody
Search results suddenly missing from Google? Well, BLAME CANADA!
Microsoft admits to disabling third-party antivirus code if Win 10 doesn't like it
Google plans to scrub 'inflammatory' and terror vids from youTube
SAP Anywhere goes nowhere, reaches commercial cul-de-sac
Have we got a new, hip compound IT phrase for you! Enter... UserDev
Standard Practice ... not
Back when I was at Uni - many, many years ago - we were taught that you should site with actual users to see how they used the current system BEFORE you start designing systems. This was to see how the system was used rather than what it was supposed to do.
In the decades since, I've yet to see a software development team do that at any of the places I've worked.
Honor phone for paupers goes upmarket, assails flagships
New plastic banknote plans now upsetting environmental campaigners
Why do GUIs jump around like a demented terrier while starting up? Am I on my own?
State surveillance boom sparked by fear-mongering political populists, says UN
Terrorism statistics
In 1972 the UK saw 10,631 terrorist shootings and 1,853 bombings; 470 people were killed by terrorism.
In 2007, there were 47 shootings and 20 bombings - all in Northern Ireland and three people were killed by paramilitaries.
Threats to western civilisation have been dramatically over-exagerated.
MAC randomization: A massive failure that leaves iPhones, Android mobes open to tracking
Facebook shopped BBC hacks to National Crime Agency over child abuse images probe
![Love it Thumb Up](/design_picker/fa16d26efb42e6ba1052f1d387470f643c5aa18d/graphics/icons/comment/thumb_up_48.png)
Re: Answer
"Then there is the more serious offence of "distributing images". This is the offence that traps people who send links because they are "distributing images".
The CPS guidance on that is:
The anticipated showing must to be to a person(s) beyond the possessor of the photographs (R v T 163 JP 349)."
1. As Facebook t&c give Facebook a worldwide licence on all photos and videos posted, Facebook has clearly established that it is the possessor of these photos.
2. In general terms, having the image appear on your screen means that you have made an image. This has been the decision in a number of cases, ranging from obscene images to copyright iinfringement.
This means that, in terms of this investigation, Facebook has licenced explicit child images, then distributed them to other people. The company should therefore be prosecuted.
Microsoft ups Surface slab prices for Brits. Darn weak pound, eh?
NHS reply-all meltdown swamped system with half a billion emails
Has President Trump’s executive order on 'Public Safety' killed off Privacy Shield?
Britain collects new naval tanker a mere 18 months late
Auto emissions 'cheatware' scandal sparks war of words between Italy, Germany
New Windows 10 privacy controls: Just a little snooping – or the max
Re: Now that is what I call a bait-and-switch
The same approach employed by Google. I have a permanent "urgent account action required" message from google on my phone as I refuse to agree to their data slurp, and the same message appears every time I get re-directed to You-tube.
Google wants you to either agree to their monitoring your browsing, or downloading a program that will identify that you do not want to be monitored. wtf?
Win10 is mostly dealt with by Spybot... for the time being, along with Thunderbird for mail, firefox for web, open office, etc. In essence, do not use any MS programs if you can help it.
How Rogue One's Imperial stormtroopers SAVED Star Wars and restored order
Re: Loved it
Not only was it a much better film than TFA, but (much to my daughter's delight) it had Donnie Yen in it - Yen also choreographed his fights. When I was introducing my daughter to (subtitled) Chinese films, I started with one of his - The Twins Effect.
The Tarkin CGI seemed to give him a more cadaverous face than Cushing had, but in the circumstances that wasn't an issue.
Going underground: The Royal Mail's great London train squeeze
Facebook Fake News won it for Trump? That's a Zombie theory
WHAT did GOOGLE do SO WRONG to get a slapping from the EU?
Let's praise Surface, not bury it
Re: Bah!
Had to buy a new win10 laptop, as getting the same spec with Win7 was out of my pricerange. 2 days of editing interface and systematically going through all options, plus the godsend of Spybot Anti-beacon seem to have cured a lot of the ills. Marking your internet connection as metered stopped other problems.
Consoles or tablets as competition to PC
I use the laptop for watching TV while I play on the xbox, or watch TV on the TV while I play or work on the laptop.
The phone gets used for actual calls and some "quickie" games that require little thought but are fun. The console gets used for more action/rpg games, and the laptop for strategy games. As far as I can see, a tablet is a mobile phone you can't make calls on, but can watch TV with. The laptop is the most important, and I could cope without the others - not just on the gaming side, but also neither the console, tablet or phone could handle my work.
New MacBook Pro beckons fanbois to become strip pokers
Meet the slimeballs who are openly sabotaging Virgin Media
Time to crack down on sales of dragon's gold - securobods
Smell burning? Samsung’s 'Death Note 7' could still cause a contagion
Re: Disagree with general consensus here...
the problem being when your phone battery goes. I am still happily using an original Samsung Note, with replaced battery. It's not just about battery life, but phone life.
Trying to use the phone with an external powerpack constantly attached - as the original battery could no longer hold more than a 10 minute charge - would have been unworkable. Instead, £3 for a replacement generic battery and the phone lives on.
Apple guilty in iPhone ringtone patent rip-off battle with Sony, Nokia
Chap cuffed after treating commuters to giant-screen smut
I thought I saw this story before
I'm sure there was another one from Indonesia about 2-3 years ago, where a contractor used the bill board to watch porn during his lunch break, but cannot find link at the moment.
Then again, Status Quo used to project pron onto buildings next to their hotel, so nothing is ever really new.
Now feeling really old for knowing who the Quo are.
These diabetes pumps obey unencrypted radio commands – which is, frankly, f*%king stupid
User couldn't open documents or turn on PC, still asked for reference as IT expert
US govt pleads: What's it gonna take to get you people using IPv6?
Dutch bicycle company pretends to be television company
Conviction by computer: Ministry of Justice wants defendants to plead guilty online
Re: Automation....
@ John H Woods - Receiving CCVs without notification has always been possible, just legally dubious. Some councils were notorious for their close relations with magistrates, resulting in no prior notice of intention being given to plaintiffs. As someone who illegally received a ccj like this (for not paying a penalty fine for a non-existent underpayment), I agree with those who argue to fix the sytem's failings BEFORE automating, perpetuating those failings.
The developer died 14 years ago, here's a print out of his source code
Re: Portrayal of computer tech guys in films/tv.
I cant remember the title, but in one film they broke into the baddy's home to make a image of his computer, this was supposed to take 6 seconds using a USB stick (only USB2 32MB around at time). The tense moment was due to the copying taking 8 seconds! I always wanted THEIR USB drive.