* Posts by swokm

5 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Aug 2007

Mac OS X firewall blocks Skype and online gamers


Well then...

"Unfortunately, some applications, such as Skype, may change as they run."

There's your problem! No binary should really be continually shifting; that is just perverse.

Signing is a good tool. Skype need to use the OS X layout (that Apple's been promoting for... oh, around 7 years now?) if it wants to store data.

Lawmaker shows nudie pic to high school seniors


From a sacking to the slammer

Julie Amero? Yes, more than sacked. She was convicted and faced 40 years in prison. However, the last I heard of it she was awaiting a second trial, which may yet sentence her.

The difference? She is female he is male? She is not rich, he is? He has political power, she is just a citizen (a sin in the U.S. these days apparently)? Also likely, the porn bomb the students pulled up on her computer showed *gasp* a MALE nekkid! And consensual sex! See? Totally different. Forty years hard time versus just having a laugh. It makes complete sense to me now!

Reg borrowed a great writeup from Security Focus on the matter here:


RIAA gets some class



This won't change anything, win or loose. Suing a rich shell organization that is propped up by even richer giant global corporations does nothing.

If the actual music label executives that signed off on these decisions (or continued to support the RIAA after what they were doing was known) went to the federal penitentiary then things might actually change. General population of course, not the white-collar country club places.

I think that would be pretty ironic; these execs would finally be in touch with the culture they promote. I wonder what all the 'gangstas' will say about all of their 'snitching'. Hmm... oh well, whatever happened, it would be deserved.

Heres hoping!

Gentoo cuts key parts of itself from net for its own good


FUD and more FUD

I don't know that the Register's story is to blame, exactly, but Daniel was correct in the above comments. This was an exploit of a CGI script on a server. It could have happened to anybody, running any system on that server -- even Apple or Microsoft.

A sad day for Gentoo as an organization, but to cast this as having anything to do with Linux or Open Source Software is misleading. Also to state that this is similar to the Ubuntu problem technically is also misleading, in my opinion.

Pirate Party invades Utah


Er... Nice Idea, anyway.

Somehow I doubt Utah (one of the 2 far and away most conservative states in the US) is the right plays to start this.

They were so happy with Mr. Bush, that 71% of them voted for him a 2nd time! LOL. The Mormons will squish them like itty-bitty bugs. Unless that is supposed to read:

"Our basic mission is to restore a lot of the civil liberties that have been eroded in the name of profit, including privacy, free speech, due process and the ability to hitch up with as many chicks as we wanna!"