Re: GDPR is awfully expensive to implement
Why do you think it's expensive to only use data for the stated purpose and to not retain it any longer than you need it?
393 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Aug 2007
And is their only recourse to go to each newspaper and county clerk's office and do a manual search of the records?
In the UK we have the 1974 rehabilitation of offenders act, it sets out for how long after a criminal conviction that you have to declare it for. For jobs/voluntary positions involving children there's another piece of legislation that allows for searches to be done against databases of convictions. If you have more than one conviction, they will always be shown, regardless of whether they're deemed spent under the 1974 act.
Just because he served his jail time doesn't mean he's "Fixed". That's a false concept of the criminal justice system.
Doesn't mean he isn't "fixed" either. There are a myriad of reason why people get caught up in crime, most of them aren't because the person has pathological urges.
If Google gets its way, the 1974 act above becomes pointless and anyone named in a paper for a crime, regardless of the circumstances, will find themselves dropped at the paper sift for any job they apply for for the rest of their lives. Rehabilitation then becomes impossible and crime becomes the only option.
when the article states:
Most of the real-life followers had no idea they were being caught up in these webs that were later utilized to push an array of disinformation, including state-led propaganda, fake news and divisive content.
Are they talking about the republicans or the democrats?
As a non-unionised heterosexual who, from what you've disclosed, doesn't have aids, you've probably nothing to worry about. Unfortunately there are still people in the world who will stigmatise those who fall into those catagories. As for your credit card number, it may cause you a headache for a short period of time while you wait for a new one.
When those with expertise get it so wrong,
what hope does your reasonable person have ?
Even if a reasonable person could tell an infringing item if they saw it, how many reasonable people should you have to employ to check?
"undermine the interests of copyright owners by thwarting efforts that providers might otherwise make to try to identify and block infringing material that users submit for posting." Yeah, we're not sure what that means, either.
I'm pretty sure they mean that if this judgment stands, a site that current performs basic checks to see if user are posting infringing items may decide not to make these checks at all to avoid liability for missing something.
Hindawi said that since 2015, his biz has always explicitly asked its customers if it could use their data in demonstrations and has obtained written consent.
And how many of those customers had freely given consent from their customers to use that data?
<edit> fixed spelling mistake in title
Can't see a straw man in any of the comments preceding yours. Nobody has tried to refute anything said in the article. I doubt anything said in the article is new to anyone around here and I also doubt any around here disagrees with anything it contains.
The only thing of note is that somebody from a company renowned for being an immensely influential publisher who routinely publishes selective news and views is saying that "you should be concerned that we are entering an era in which these immensely influential publishers will routinely and selectively 'unpublish' certain views and news."
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear:-
Firstly in response to pccobbler:
What has where you sit on the libertarian/authoritarian axis of the political got to do with where you thoughts lie on the communist/capitalist axis?
Regarding the whole seatbelt thing, people have differing risk perception. The trouble with making things safer is those who who felt safe anyway will now behave in a riskier manner.
Put another way, how close would you drive to the car on front if you had a six inch spike protruding from the center of your steering wheel?
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
the government is tapping your phone
They're making a list
And checking it twice;
They're gonna find out
Who's naughty or nice
the government is tapping your phone
They're tracking all your browsing
They're reading all your mail
It's all being stored by your ISP
And will end in security fail
They know where you drink!
They know where you drive
you make it easy as
you login to wifi
the government is tapping your phone
They're tracking all your browsing
They're reading all your mail
And if you join the green party
you're going to grow a tail
You better watch out!
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
the government is tapping your phone
Currently listening to music, doesn't seem to matter which position the slider is in , it doesn't stop.
Regarding app notifications, you can set individual apps to have priority notifications and put the switch to the centre position.
That's exactly what people do. Your analogy is a bad one though because the attendant in an un-automated lift would likely see you coming and wait so the lift experience didn't change for the occupants of the lift or the person arriving slightly late.
When the kids work out the new rules for chicken, I'll be getting the popcorn in.
Like the roads - the Internet has some tools/clueless individuals on it - but it'd be a pretty lonely place to be if it were filled with just us geeks.
I'm pretty sure the roads would be much safer place without those who don't understand momentum and braking distances.
While you are right that it is down to us geeks to make it "just work", the trouble is, just like cars, the safer you make it, the more idiotic the driver becomes.