* Posts by j_me

4 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Sep 2016

Equifax: About those 400,000 UK records we lost? It's now 15.2M. Yes, M for MEELLLION


Does Equifax need your permission to get your data

because from this article it seems that they just directly ask companies for it https://www.inc.com/associated-press/equifax-data-money.html

"......They gather as much information about you from lenders, aggregate it, and sell it back to them," said Brett Horn, an industry analyst with Morningstar.

How to remote hijack computers using Intel's insecure chips: Just use an empty login string


Here we go again, this type of shit keeps on repeating itself.

Did someone say physical hardware switch, probably not but would be useful for a laptops built in webcam and microphone.

BBC vans are coming for you


Re: I wonder how many people would stop watching the BBC altogether if...

Why is it insane.

It's only the BBC who get the licence money, if you don't watch the BBC then why pay for the licence.

Oh by the way has anyone given that as a excuse/explanation in court and what was the result.


I wonder how many people would stop watching the BBC altogether if...

the BBC made people sign up to iplayer with UID's taken from a TV licence, doing away with the need to sniff wifi. And while the BBC is at it people should be told (when buying a TV) that they need a TV licence for the BBC only, giving the consumer a choice of purchasing a television that isn't tuned into the BBC at all thus negating the need for a licence.

In the UK we have about 80 channels of freeview (no TV licence needed) so who needs the BBC.