* Posts by KeyLargo

1 publicly visible post • joined 28 Aug 2016

BBC shuts off iPlayer to UK VPNs, cutting access to overseas fans


Re: Foot, meet high kinetic energy lead dispensing device

Hulu is going to pay only soon, Hulu Plus with or without commercials which is extra and is not longer showing any doctor who; Netflix is the same. BBC America shows them, sooner or later, but as of this writing the supposed BBC plan to set up and charge for non Brit access has not come to anything, only that Amazon/Prime now has the rights that used to used by the other pay services. BTW it is now end of August 2016. I personally have access to the first 2 and just recently a friend let me check out his amazon prime, but most americans that are interested in brit programming would gladly pay a monthly and/or yearly subscription price to get such channels as Dave TV and the rest, including more immediate access to Doctor Who, Sherlock, etcetera.