You have NO IDEA...
And neither did the judge in this case. I for one, know the guy very personally. Well, all of his life. Let me just start by saying that the JUDGE and the FBI got it wrong. I was in the trial and witnessed first-hand the level of idiocy we have in the U.S judicial system and our U.S Government. Justin has been a hard-working citizen since the age of about 14 yrs old..never had he been in any trouble more severe than a speeding ticket. He's certainly never hurt anyone physically, never stolen, and has never even used a drug in his life! To set an example out of someone like Justin is extremely cruel and unjust. The judge in this case had NO CLUE as to what the normal workings are of an internet-based company. She had no clue what Windows xp Pro was or any other software mentioned. She did not even care to listen to Justins lawyer when he tried to explain that his sentence should be lessened (by loss estimate) because it should be based on the single value of a C.O.A.-not the full retail price of the software PACKAGE in which the C.O.A came. Either way, the FBI had no clue what they were dealing with, and the judge proved that she didnt as soon as well when she said, "It all sounds fishy to me" bc his company was run from his house. HELLO, its called an INTERNET BUSINESS. It's all over now and US citizens are now using their hard-earned dollars to keep a guy like justin in prison. The Gov should be saving jail cells for real criminals who pose a threat the others, not for someone like Justin who saw that people were basically getting robbed by Microsoft. If Microsoft didnt price gauge, there would have never been a black market for the software to begin with. This was a case of buying a box of candy, and selling it piece by piece...WATCH OUT, it's illegal.