what do you need a driving license for? what is the point if it, if you expect your car to drive for you and do all the thinking you are meant to be doing and have a license for? IMO being asleep whilst in control of a vehicle should be am instant ban.no questions asked.
Posts by pauleverett
35 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Aug 2016
Sleeping Tesla driver wonders why his car ploughed into 11 traffic cones on a motorway
Boffins bork motion control gear with the power of applied sound
Azure North Europe downed by the curse of the Irish – sunshine
Whoa, Gartner drops a truth bomb: Blockchain is overhyped and top IT bods don't want it
Re: Your all missing the point.
just because you cant think of any problems that need blockchain as a solution, doesn't mean that others can not, and have not. Your all on some kind of gloating trip here. your all trying to be funny or humorous, but you come across as old gloating fools. The buzzword is distributed ledger. You brits are humorous at best,entertaining at worst, but you are completely hopeless when it comes to predicting or making, the next big tech thing your collectively hopeless. Your like smug little cavemen, on a little island, drinking tea, without a care in the world. A belly full of your own self importance. The world will pass you by, and someone else's distributed ledger platform will be the only way that you can do any kind of transaction, in the not too distant future. Embrace blockchain, or fade to insignificance.
NASA finds satellite, realises it has lost the software and kit that talk to it
How to make your HTML apps suck less, actually make some money
hang on ...
firstly, chrome really sucks, and google are evil.
what they really want to teach us is how to make a site that might work, with their browser, and how to make a website that integrates all of their advertising BS, whilst being less awful. Google, and its like, are pretty much responsible for the diabolical, laggy, error prone, state of the entire internet. Advertising may have paid for this internet, but it has also created a snowball of negatives. This data hungry behemoth, requires ever more resources, for the simplest of tasks. I blame google for this mess. They now want to teach us how to work around problems of their making.
Google to kill Symantec certs in Chrome 66, due in early 2018
not sure I like the power and muscle google is flexing here. I do not see how it is their job to stop a browser from working with certificates from a particular provider. I would not be at all surprised to see google start issuing its own certificates, and a little down the road have chrome only accept google certificates. I am already totally irritated by how they get to decide what they are going to let me view. Not their choice to make IMO. None of this going in a good direction. Too much control.
Well, that escalated quickly: Qualcomm demands iPhone, iPad sales ban in America
As you stare at the dead British Airways website, remember the hundreds of tech staff it laid off
BA's 'global IT system failure' was due to 'power surge'
Capita payments service Pay360 goes TITSUP
AI-powered dynamic pricing turns its gaze to the fuel pumps
Ai = load of bollocks.
Big Data = load of bollocks
Both are nothing more than new ways to detach big payers from big money. Ai is not much smarter than it was 10 years ago. The only thing that has really changed is the ability to throw lots of computing power at lots of data, and charge someone for it. The actual Ai algo's are still thick as a brick.
America 'will ban carry-on laptops on flights from UK, Europe to US'
UK.gov job ads entice IT bods with promise they will be OUTSIDE IR35
low pay
That is not exactly an attractive offer. I guess a lot depends on where you live, but I literally would not get out of bed for 600 a day. I could not live on that, could not cover my ass with it, and could not build a secure future on it. That's maybe 65 quid an hour ! if your self employed and your getting 65 an hour for what your doing, do something else. At that rate you may as well give up and go clean car windows, cos they earn more than that in an hour.
Unpaid tech contractor: 'I have to support my family. I have no money for medicines'
hang on
if your a contractor, your are basically self employed. You should put money aside for doing things like such as paying tax, unexpected expenses, or payment delays. That is also why contractors receive more money. They are meant to run their affairs as if they where a business, because they basically are, and shit happens much, which you need to be able to deal with yourself. if any contractor is living as hand in mouth as the fella in the article, they are living beyond their means, getting underpaid, or not cut out to be self employed, and should get a no risk job. Seriously, if there is nothing left after you have paid your bills, your doing it wrong, or have your head in the sand on the reality of what you are doing. You have choices. Reduce your expenses, earn more, or get a job that you can live from. If the first time you don't get paid puts on the brink of bankruptcy, your pretty much an idiot.
Irish Stripe techie denied entry to US – for having wrong stamp in passport
Re: serves him right
the hell it is. you might want to look into it a bit more. if your a church, and pretty much any nutcase can be a church, you can gather tax free wads of cash, from givers. what happens to that cash? does it get spent on things that we would called charity? not mucm. it gets spent on squandering and obscene self praising, stuff. e.g.Have a look at Scientology. its a church, and everything they get is considered tax free, charitable fund. If you take away all that wackadoodle religious obscenity, the yanks are generally tight as f*ck, and they don't do anything without it being deductible and serving a purpose. if you want to look up per head charity giving, minus churches, they are pathetic at giving anything. They will be happy to lend you something though, on their terms, or invest in you. There are some super rich individuals that spend fortunes on charity, but they are just that, individuals, and in no way represent the majority, who either don't have much to give, or are tight ass f*uck.
Murder in space: NASA orders astronauts to KILL cripples – then fire bodies back to Earth
AWS's S3 outage was so bad Amazon couldn't get into its own dashboard to warn the world
the trouble with relying on cloud services is...
Could go down...
Probably will go down...
Guaranteed to go down...
All this is known, but people choose to ignore the realities of cloud storage.
I know it is all super convenient. But if you use cloud storage as the foundation of your livelihood, its just a matter of time before you get burned alive.
Those online ads driving you bonkers are virtually 'worthless for brands'
70% of the content on this page, as I write, is an add. the backdrop is filled with one add. The right column a bunch of blocks for the same advertiser. The header way too big. I explicitly don't click on them cos they nag the death out of me. Maybe online content providers need to get back to the magic of selling adds themselves. Just like the old days... They offload all the work, losing all the control, and driving their primary content audience nuts. There are people like me that would not mind paying to get a cohesive add up on the register,in a sensible place for sensible money. regardless of clicks. An Add that does not annoy the shit of the people I would want to reach out to. choices? All there is is agents. They take the lions share of your money, and your the site gives up control. The result is kinda bad for everyone, accept the add agency. Clicks can get ridiculously expensive, and the site that the adds go on does not get a fair deal. IMO, they way online advertising has gone, is in the wrong direction, and its about time a little startup showed the big boys how all needs to be done, from a site and audience point of view.
US cops seek Amazon Echo data for murder inquiry
Screw EU! Apple to fight back over €13bn tax bill
why take your coperation to irland?
lets have a look at why any corporation would take their HQ to Ireland.
1. Fantastic infrastructure ? no
2. Highly educated workforce with the skills they need? no better than anywhere else.small population.
3. plenty of housing ? not really.
4. secure? not really. they depend on others to protect them.
5. easy to get to? er no...
4. cheep energy? hell no.
5. English language? sorta, once you get used to it.
6. A Gateway to the EU. yes.
7. huge tax incentives? hell yes.
there is no reason any foreign corporation would ever want to HQ in Ireland, other than massive tax advantages, and EU access.
the question everyone should be asking, is would Apple be in Ireland, if the Irish Tax system, was not subsidizing them? The clear answer is no. The growth that Ireland has seen, came about by Ireland taking all the advantages that the EU offers, whilst screwing over all other member states over, by attracting corporations, on unequal terms. They have been having their cake, and eating it, at the expense of other states. IMO, Apple should pay up, and Ireland should either leave the EU, or comply. If they are not prepared to play by the same rules as the member states, then they need to think about how they would fare, without the EU. NOT good me thinks. I am frankly sick to the teeth of countries that want to reap the benefits of working together, but then take advantage and be quite happy to piss on their partners. That is not what a partnership is.
If you bought a dildo in Denver, the government must legally be told
holly crap. could the USA get any more completely f*cked up? its like some kind of nightmarish Hollywood reality movie.
Seriously Mr Trump, built that wall, but don't stop at the Mexican border, go all the way around,and make it real high, so we are not able to see the putridity of what goes on behind that blessed wall.
Microsoft quietly emits patch to undo its earlier patch that broke Windows 10 networking
Trump's 140 characters on F-35 wipes $2bn off Lockheed Martin
as much as I detest Trump, he is calling some good shots.
1. ruffle china's feathers, on Taiwan. About time someone sorted that situation out. F*ck you China, etc,etc.
2. F-35 project is insane. Put a halt to hit. Use that money to build the wall ?
Trump could grow on me. At this rate, if he was not being such a dick on climate, and hired less frightening madmen to do his bidding, I may grow to like him.
Everything at Apple Watch is awesome, insists Tim Cook
shock/horror ! having a complicated, all singing, all dancing tech gadget, on your arm, turns out to be not very useful. Those damn scifi movies got it wrong, what where they thinking? Not everything declared as futuristic, hi-tech and desirable, in the past, proves to be a valuable, good idea, in today, the future. Smart watches are dead in the water. there will be some evolution, but they need another hundred years to evolve into something that i would want to buy, and wear.
AWS is coming for UK infrastructure suppliers' lunch – report
Re: Data Protection?
there is EU wide 10 year data retention requirement for any kind of financial/transnational information. That is not east German, it's something anyone doing trade eCommerce should be aware of, and has been in place for a few years now. That data is required to be on a server, in the EU. When you commit to AWS for long term storage, it is basically doomed if anything happens to you, or your operation within the next 10 years, that might result in your payments to Amazon, stopping. Once you stop paying, your data will vanish, and your are breaking the law, by not fulfilling your storage obligation. storage is not an option, it is an obligation. so if your under some bridge somewhere, in the middle of winter, in a few years time, and amazon deletes your data, you could potentially get a few nights free lodgings, or a fine you cant pay.
My point is,I don't need amazon, with its monthly payments, for my long term storage. I need a service that allows me to store my data, securely, for 10 years, for a fixed fee, and no matter what happens, that data is safe, and I don't have to pay for it every month. I need that now, whilst I am still able to pay for it, and deduct it. 10 years is a long time, and shit does happen. IMO it doesn't matter how cheep it is, the idea of a monthly payment, forever, for my data, is scary. I am still looking for the right solution.
UK prison reform report wants hard-coded no-fly zones in drones to keep them out of jail
might as well not bother. All it does is make things more expensive for everyone. Anyone that is intent on flying a drone in a NFZ will easily find a workaround. Its a complete waste of a lot of time and energy, and I believe the motives have nothing to do with prisons, and once the mechanism is in place, will pretty soon expand to any old crap that plod fancies locking drones out of.
Microsoft goes back to the drawing board – literally, with 28" tablet and hockey puck knob
I like what I see, but I will probably skip gen1, and go for gen2, for the following reasons:
1. 32GB is not enough anymore.. as a top of the line ram config, this is too little for real creatives.
2. 4GB is bare minimum for a GFX card now. it needs to be 8GB 1080 levels, or they are behind, before they have even started.
3.CPU needs more beef.
4. it will suck with Photoshop cos Adobe are not capable of making an interface, that works with high res screens. This is not Microsoft's fault, but tiny fonts are nasty when you hit 50, and Adobe sucks(just to get that in there).
Other than these points, I like the direction MS are going in. Apple are treading water with iMacs. I have several, and frankly I am not exited by IMac's anymore. MS needs to recognize that the people that want to buy these designs, want the look, the functionality, but they also need the desktop processing power of 2016, and not the notebook power that apple sell in their iMac's.
All MS have to do to win, is put the best hardware, in the best package. Make quality, and design, that blows people minds, and they win. With this package, they are well on the way to getting my money.
Virgin Media boss warns Brexit could hamstring broadband investment
Re: Christmas Time is here!
Britain is an import nation. the pound is down ±25%. that means anything you import is at least 25% more expensive, to source, right now, in reality. Now you do have stocks, contracts, and other mechanics to buffer things for a while, but you can be absolutely sure, that those increases in purchasing cost, will soon be passed to the consumer,100% and then some. That is not opportunistic, it is economic reality, and if anyone voted for brexit, and didn't see serious prices hikes ahead, they had their head up their bottoms.
Trump vs. Clinton III - TPP looks dead, RussiaLeaks confirmed
>RussiLeaks confirmed
"no fewer than 17 civilian and government intelligence agencies"
The problem I have with both of these statements, is that I seriously doubt the honesty, and reputation of any US government intelligence agency. They have proven over, and over, that they are quite content to make shit up, as they go along, to serve their purpose. Their track record is awful shity, and I don't trust much of what they say anymore.
so where are we?
russians in denial.
yanks probably just inventing snug fitting stories.
it all sounds a bit too politically perfect to have the Russians take some election interference heat right now. it fits someones agenda too comfortably for my liking.
Maybe nobody knows who really made those leaks, which sounds bad.. Frankly.... why should anyone care? its diverting from the content of the leaks, which seems to me to be the usual political process of distraction.
Samsung to fab 10nm FinFET SoCs for next year's exploding phones
there are 27 recorded incidents of note 7's catching fire. iphones, (pick a number), had significantly more. Even the perfectly successful s7 has had its fair share, along with every other "pick a name" phone vendor in the market. What I don't get, is the insanity of the campaign against the note 7. 27 out of 2.5 million, is not a lot... taking shots at the note 7 trended, and all sorts of blogs(including this one) and "trying to be funny" people got on the bandwagon, sending it all viral. A popular spiral, out of all proportion. It even got banned on planes, all around the world, with no logical explanation, or reasoning, other than somebody saw on FB that a note 7 can burn,, so fuck it, bann them all. The note 7 is surely not the first phone to set fire on a plane, I have never seen, or heard of such a wide-scale device reaction in aviation, for a phone, and it is shocking that authorities are willing to do this, based on nothing else but popular media. The Note 7 production was not stopped because they could not fix it. there was basically nothing to fix. The media, and an army of fanboys, and shameless idiots killed it, and samsung saw no way out of the situation, other than to kill this fantastic phone. it was the best mobile phone ever built. And I am gutted that it was killed like this.
Can you make a swarm of 20+ flying military robots? UK.gov wants you
Re: They're having a giraffe.
That is a pathetic amount of money. I can't imagine any commercial entity having the slightest bit of interest in the project. Why would anyone even bother, if that is all that's on offer? ideas and tech are worth money. What they are offering is nothing short of an insult to any dev, or startup. it's not even a months rent, for some offices I have been in.
New UK trade deals would not compensate for loss of single market membership
Re: Really ....
The reason you don't find any products, made in England, on shelves, in other EU countries, is because England, does not actually make many products, that anyone else, but the Brits, wants to buy. It is not because there is some plot, to keep out the brits. it is simply that there is no demand, at all, for english produce. Britain is an import nation, importing foreign foods and goods, because foreigners,make stuff, that we want to use, and eat. Maybe that is something your average brexiter should take into consideration.