* Posts by nathanmacinnes

5 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Aug 2016

Google caps punch-yourself-in-the-face malicious charger hack


Re: Infected chargers?

These are installed in coffee shops and the like.


Fit a little computer in the wall behind it and you can pwn the people who plug into it. So "infected" charger isn't really the right term. More a malicious charger.

Libpng library gets fix for truly ancient bug


I read El Reg mainly for the article subheadings.

Not OK Google: Tree-loving family turns down Page and pals' $7m


Re: Huh

When you put it in bold just then, yes I did. Reading the article, no.

Nokia crawls towards comeback with new phones announcement


Re: Timing!

This. The main reason Nokias are remembered so fondly is durability and battery life.

HMRC: We've got £1.3bn for digital tax schemes. Tell us how to spend it


"to become the most "digitally advanced" tax administration in the world"

Tax returns on the blockchain?