Pointless Bollocks
I believe the title says all that is needed on this subject.
Although I suppose a young multi-billionaire has to spend his money on something, just a shame it isn't anything useful.
24 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Aug 2016
The Apple/Google hybrid (now there is a terrifying thought), is not being adopted in the UK because of the very high Not Invented Here factor, a major reason for non-adoption by any British government.
Also the proposed NHS app will, like any other government sponsored IT project, have to be passed through the civil service Department of Fucking Things Up, who will hand development responsibility to one of the usual suspects, thus ensuring the app will land sometime in 2022, if at all, and over-run it's budget by at least three times.
Don't worry, perfectly safe for work, (unless you work for Brighton with Hoveactually Council), but does involve sound.
"Prime Minister, we must be seen to be doing something, this is something, therefore we are doing it".
Whenever a government department announce that they are "taking the time to get this right", you instinctively know they are going to get it catastrophically wrong.
The Yorkshire Pudding can form the basis of any course, for Sunday dinner* my grandmother would usually bake two, one to be consumed with the roast beef, the second with sugar as a dessert.
Baffled by the several correspondents suggesting dipping in batter. Yorkshire puddings are made of batter , carefully baked!
* Sunday dinner, for the benefit of Southern Jessies and other Off-comed'uns, is a meal served in the middle of the day.
When I left I left the Royal Navy 21 years ago I feared for the future, but I could not have foreseen the catastrophic mess that we are in now, even in my worst nightmares.
My local boating lake has a stronger surface fleet and with the Canada Geese, a much larger air group, although as we are now seemingly paralysed by the fear of so much as hurting someone's feelings, I suppose it is not an issue.
I cannot make my true feelings clear, as the moderators would not allow it.