* Posts by arthoss

147 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jul 2016


Oracle: We've stuffed automation in 'pretty much' all our services


Re: Using Oracle?!

Nice reference

Lauri Love judgment: Extradition would be 'oppressive' and breach forum bar

Black Helicopters

tin foil hat

US is only trying to stave off other idiots (i.e. warmongers) from trying to hack into their systems so they need to make an example of each one. I wouldn't be surprised about black ops at some point against hackers.

No Windows 10, no Office 2019, says Microsoft


what pace of changing???

Same thing said by Adobe, etc...

Just recognize that office evolution is done and move on. The only thing missing is self writing powerpoint/word document I guess - it wouldn't be part of an office package I believe though, more like an OS feature. But I think that these electronic crutches have done their thing and now we're ready to do stuff without them. Back to analogue I say! At least for humans.

SAP customers won't touch the fluffy stuff... so here's another on-prem HR data tool


Strategic importance

As long as the armies use it, I can’t see the cloud being adopted. On premise will live for ever in some way. Maybe the new SAP HCM will be good who knows. Hana is good for services to SAPUI5 applications so I hope the conversion will really work (xpras and migration). I also hope that the license costs will not near the cloud prices, I think this is where the customers might hurt.

'There has never been a right to absolute privacy' – US Deputy AG slams 'warrant-proof' crypto


You may not be forced to incriminate yourself right? If judges can be persuaded that a mobile phone is an augment of your brain, being part of your being, there is no right to read it for anybody.

For fanbois only? Face ID is turning punters off picking up an iPhone X


Thought about it

How to us it in a safe manner - face ID. Put a finger on your face when you set it up, problem solved, no one will be able to use your face.

GE goes with Apple: Not the Transformation you were looking for, Satya?


Re: Continuum

ok first of all all apple things are super thin so you can take two and still be carrying less than a typical win laptop. There is something called continuity (that came before ms' concept) which allows you to continue to mac from iPhone and back, if the applications are properly written. Also, let's not forget the universal clipboard - copy on iPhone, paste on mac.


omnigraffle is nice and refreshing after visio but until a couple of years ago didn't support magnetism, which is a really cool feature of visio. That's why I do most of my diagrams using paper 53 and apple pencil on iPad pro - it's much much faster.


Re: And why should that surprise us?

and she's right, because the OS supports that. But depending on the application she used to edit her document. Word for Mac doesn't do it but Pages does - never lost data there when having crashes. Sometimes the crash happened while not being at the desk and the only way I see that is by noticing that the VPN is broken - the rest is there as before.


Re: ArrrrrG!!!

my MBR is super smooth, 5y old, up-to-date, including parallels for WinX daily use (in coherence mode). About the mouse, I've had that problem with all logitech wireless mice on macOS, but not with original apple mice - on mac logitech is trying to solve a non existent problem with their wireless receiver. Besides, a mouse on macOS only trumps the magic trackpad at 2+ big screens, get it - since it's the 21st century! A bit stuck in the past, aren't we - think different eh?

EU: No encryption backdoors but, eh, let's help each other crack that crypto, oui? Ja?


makes sense!

there are plenty of other ways to do it - CPU operations, hardware transplants, etc, should go in that direction. And good ol' police footwork!

Google sued for paying women less than men


The problem here is they're comparing apples with pears. Unequal pay for different work is normal. It will be hard to prove that UI programming is equal to backend programming for difficulty.

The only problem I see is that only job women coders got was in frontend and not in backend programming.

Don’t buy that Surface, plead Surface cloners


Re: Pretty sure this doesn't count as a surface alternative

parallels to unleash your creativity with MacOS still

Fancy talking to SAP about your indirect licensing concerns? Straw poll says no


Probably, just like it's for the cloud thing. Although sap (classic) might outlive the cloud-hype.

Are Asimov's laws enough to stop AI stomping humanity?


Rudimentary use already possible

It's not only theoretical. At the moment software can recognize people. How about programming any device (it will have to be ANY device, not only the member-enabled robots, due to the upgrade possibility of robots) to not touch through their own actions anything that looks like a human? In this very primitive way, some protections for us will be ingrained in the AI. Then obey them human-shapes is next (the laws of robotics were weakened for some industrial robots so we might have to do that) and expiration time should be there too (like in blade runner) - I'd say they should live exactly as long as we do, proportional to their speed of thought though (think 20x faster than we, live 20x less than we) - maybe it's not a feasible one this idea. Also they should perhaps communicate with each other only through human understandable means, if they're human-interacting robots.

No, Apple. A 4G Watch is a really bad idea


Re: @David Lawton

that's the part of Apple Watch that takes care you do enough movement (activity) in one day - 3 rings: general movement, exercise and stand up (this last one is one of the best features for me and it's really useful for my back).


Apple pulls massive HomeKit chip U-turn to keep up with Amazon Echo and Google Home


It took you two months to notice that?

Google goes home to Cali to overturn Canada's worldwide search result ban


Re: Extra-territorial control

yep.that sums it up.

Google operations should break into country companies and use Google basis as a service. This way only google operations of country X will have to comply.

Brit SAP user group seeking more line-of-business members


Re: I never fail to be amazed

You're calling out ideas that would fit any big name software but what software would do all that? Like it or not SAP is the best ERP software. Whatever else will have its problems and more, the moment it can do all that SAP can. Underlying code can ALWAYS be changed in SAP. Get help for you SAP installation - maybe a couple of specialized boutique companies instead of the big names.

EU pegs quota for 'homegrown' content on Netflix at 30 per cent


could be good

at the moment Netflix sucks when it comes to seeing good European movies. Amazon Prime is doing there a much better job. I think this requirement together with the end of geofencing for streaming could finally mean we get access to much more movies done in Europe (being in Germany I'd love to watch more Spanish, French and Italian movies).

The rise of AI marks an end to CPU dominated computing


So in reaction to the article itself: you wish. CPUs are here to stay and dominate. Whether in "AI" or others (like handling the highly complex ships/cars of the future/factories, etc.).

Rich professionals could be replaced by AI, shrieks Gartner


Mine's the one with the plumbing toolbox as an alternative to IT, once they take over. And a white van will be fine, even driven by a robot.



Have to interface AI with a probulator

Russian RATs bite Handbrake OSX download mirror


Re: another problem of "free" software

I remember the hacked Xcode. Still, being in an App Store means it can easily be nixed remotely by the store owner.


another problem of "free" software

put it in the app store and no problem like this would appear. I would pay there too, and I'd prefer it, for safety.

TVs are now tablet computers without a touchscreen


Re: Oh you optimist

Dell has them 40-50 inches dumb screens.

Apple fans, Android world scramble to patch Broadcom's nasty drive-by Wi-Fi security hole

Thumb Up

Cool hack!

Drip-adding code is pretty cool

'Sorry, I've forgotten my decryption password' is contempt of court, pal – US appeal judges


Re: Actual case aside

me too!

But coming to the mac. If they cracked the main password of the computer, it should be easy to look up in the key chain of the encrypted hard drives if they're saved there - normal users save it there. In the next step if the user really entered the password to the encrypted hard drives every time, there should be saved last time they were connected so it's easy to infer if the guy really doesn't remember or not.I'm no pro so I guess that's why the judges found him guilty of contempt of court.

Totally not-crazy billionaire Elon Musk: All of us – yes, even you – must become cyborgs


shiny toys can be developed relatively quickly while changes in the psyche of a folk needs 30+ years


totally agree

the AI will be much faster than us - the moment the breakthrough in AI is done, we're done days later. Short of being able to instil love in the machines (for us, see the Culture books series), we'll need to merge with them to preserve our species. I'm afraid our future can only be BORG, but hopefully each with an own will.

There should be an ethics commission in researching AI just like manipulating the embryo.

Samsung's Chromebook Pro: Overpriced vanilla PC with a stylus. 'Wow'


Strongly doubt that chrome is the second most popular os in the US. Android or iOS or some Othe Lunux version.

Fitbit picks up Pebble, throws Pebble as far as it can into the sea


El reg bias

Used to be apple in general now it's wearables and tablets. Wearables are here to stay, just like tablets. Get real el reg!

And about Pebble: management sucked and went too big instead of exploiting their niche and since Apple Watch entered the ring there is competition (gone is the blue water). Mark my words, fitbit will also bow out in a couple of years or will convert to Android Wear.

Apple Watch sales go over a cliff: Down 2.8 meellion per quarter in a year


*3 days*

Amazon's Netflix-gnasher to hit top gear In December


Re: Gave up on Amazon - poor device support

I long for a good big totally dumb panel. Let's hope they're coming. I'll vote with my wallet.

Why I just bought a MacBook Air instead of the new Pro


Re: They lost me at "no touch screen"

Ah cut the crap. Trying to use an ipad pro for work for more than 1h with intensive touching of the screen and you get gorilla arm (own experience). I can't believe one can use a screen that is not fully horizontal for working. Now and then touching OK, working by touching every minute and doing moving and precision work and you'll get RSS.


Re: Solder not Socket...

Is it necessary to overwrite the data is the disk is fully encrypted?

Why Apple's adaptive Touch Bar will flop


Re: It could go either way.


Run a JSON file through multiple parsers and you'll get different results every time


Re: Welcome to the Internet

Thanks that was interesting. What do you think of JSON with ODATA? That would cover it the same way as ASN.1, no?

Despite best efforts, fewer and fewer women are working in tech


The guys have a point

After all IT is a means towards something. The motivation to work in IT has to be something else than just working with computers - for most people. So teaching IT as part of something else is a good idea in my opinion. It should be normal school stuff as biology and others (programming, managing systems, installing servers) this way you can decide earlier about it.

And about social component, which I think is relevant for men too: I studied Physics and I quit and became something else (a programmer) because I got bored to be 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, alone in a lab with humming machines and well, compared, it was easy. At least in IT you have colleagues in the same room most of the times.

German regulators won't let Tesla use the name 'Autopilot'


Sound like a paranoid one! But unfortunately the Germans tested and found out that the assist-o-pilot doesn't look far enough ( Außerdem blicken die Sensoren, die die Nebenspur vor einem Überholvorgang prüfen, demnach nur 40 Meter nach hinten. ). When the guy from is about to pass you with 200 Km/h do you think the car will react fast enough to avoid a deadly crash?

French programmers haul Apple into court over developer rules


Re: Why use a web browser for an app?

Except this is not open web but a business application. Since the 80s people believed in write once run everywhere... stupid people. Those using html5 for business applications to fit everywhere are no different. Must be the new generation of ignorant programmers who don't know history nor theory.

Das ist empörend: Microsoft slams umlaut for email depth charge


Re: Please!

Or "leck mich"

iPhone: Apple's Mac battle with Windows rebooted


Re: Ecosystems Matter

Continuity is worth it, iCloud using apps, gestures and high definition UI properly done

SAP kills staff reviews


no wonder

(all figures my observation while I was an employee): since more than 30% of the programmers are incompetent (therefore hating being graded) and more than 70% of the managers are managers by training not by vocation (therefore not being able to do a diplomatic review).

Truth is the incompetent are there to stay. What SAP needs to do is find a way to use them effectively, like McDonalds does (in ABAP WD forcing them for instance to use FPM architecture).

Boffins' blur-busting face recognition can ID you with one bad photo


Re: Amazing

Maybe, if it can identify your gait.

Google, er, Alphabet takes on 10,000 more staff, banks more and more billions from ads


simple maths: more users of Android == higher amount of products being sold. The true sheeple, eh?

Plenty of fish in the C, IEEE finds in language popularity contest


Shit measuring method

That measuring method (based on searches pffff and other ) sound like pulled by a moron teenager out of their behinds. Should involve sociologists.
