It's OK
Because he's a Liberal. It has to be true, I read it in the Washington Post.
102 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jul 2016
Indeed, and you are welcome to believe or not as you see fit. My concern is when platforms decide what is true or false and censor posts based on that. We should both be free to speak on these matters and many others.
God gave me a mind, and I believe in using it. Don't care for censorship and slanted news in either direction.
I suspect that section 230 is safe for now. On the other hand there is a lot of censorship going on. I have a small blog and in my weekly announcements mentioned that we are going to be adding Parler to the social media streams. Merely mentioning Parler on Facebook got an immediate "This fact is disputed warning. Are you sure you want to post it." from Facebook. After verifying that yes I am going to post on Parler clicked yes I'm sure to post it. What makes this even more interesting is that Blog covers the Bible not politics. I generally discourage any political commentary on the blog.
Reminds me of my married days. The wife would load every piece of software/adware known to man on her PC and in a few months would complain about how it was so slow. I would get on her computer kill all of it and amaze her with the speed. That's why to this day I don't share systems. I would rather have a less powerful system that I control.
Networking too. When I was setting up the XP network it was click here with the mouse and load a floppy and the network will be set up as if by magic. Several days and a lot of %$#@&( later the network worked. Same thing with the new router load the CD and as if by magic it will set up. Several hours later more &^%$#) the network was working again. The new DSL bridge said the same thing about the CD. Stop right there, I checked the manual and it had a back up manual install procedure. That's for me says I. A few minutes of command line jiggery pokery everything worked.
Because I work on specialized machinery business travel will be a Windows laptop for the foreseeable future. Daily driver at the house runs Linux and has multiple monitors.
But for personal trips I'm looking to just carry my phone also an adaptor for keyboard and mouse. It's not the system to do major work on. But for the stuff I do on the road it will work. I will most likely use Google docs as it is already installed and I detest adding apps.
It's also a lot lighter than the Osborne I and Silver Reed printer I started with. Ironically the screen is about the same size.
If you are loading up the ship today for shipment. You should expect your package mid to late Jamuary.
After years of dealing with sea shipments the way I have always explained it to customers is that we use old Viking Longships. When they are not doing movies they are moving your packages.
It might make for an interesting suit. But in the USA most ISPs have such a large limit it would be difficult to prove any harm. Someone who using 4G with a small data cap like myself might have a suit but they people using cable internet most likely would not care. People like me are not going to opt in to networks for data slurping.
I just keep my TV off for the most part. I have not watched news for almost a year now I get it online. I'm also very careful to use sources who live in the real world. If there is one sided BS flying out of TV or radio news the Off button will be used. I'm busy enough, I don't have time to waste on propaganda.
I don't buy locked handsets. Amazon has plenty of unlocked handsets and they work for me. Pay for it and be done with it.
But an outright ban on locking handsets would have problems too. Many people prefer to buy the shiny flagship phones and then pay for them over several years. Locking the handsets helps with that. Otherwise you buy a handset from company A then switch to company B. Afterwards you "forget" your handset bill with company A. Yes it's wrong and will have bad effects on your credit. But if your credit is already trashed it's not much of a threat.
You have to watch out for that law of unintended consequences.
I tried it in Windows I wasn't too impressed. I bit the bullet and installed Brave from CLI. Works better for the most part but it locks up logging in my cell account page. Oh well I can live with Firefox for that and a few other things.
Sorry for the late reply getting the house ready for winter.
Motorola did the same thing to Illinois about 20 years back with the cellphone plant at Harvard IL. Today it's an empty building. If a company has to have tax incentives to come it's not worth it. Sadly our elected officials of all stripes line up to hand out money to corporations. See the recent Amazon HQ2 mess. If a corporation is holding a bidding war then it means that the economics don't make sense.
I use both but have found Open Office more stable. In office software there tends to a lot of look we added this new feature that will be useful for a whole 10 users. If it has basic word processing, spellcheck, and does basic multipage spreadsheets that meets my needs.
Ok perhaps I'm a bit cranky cause I had to redo my phone after update yesterday. Also another set of phone upgrades this morning over 100 meg.
Too late I'm already associating with the "wrong" people. But if you don't want to be tracked then don't use software or devices that track you. A lot of the old mafia guys in the US did not even have a landline phone in their house to thwart wiretaps. Also I'm always in favor of opt out options. I may or may not allow companies to track me depending on the circumstances. As long as I make the choice that is acceptable.
Is somewhat out of touch with reality. Google tracks you KNOW this. However that tracking can be both good and bad. If his phone showed he was at another location that would have eliminated him as a suspect. I use Google auto for the safety features and yes it does track me. But all that tracking does is provide evidence of my location. That could be bad if I'm near the scene of a crime, but good if I am not.
In short you wear gloves and Tyvek suits to not leave fingerprints or DNA. Today you need to consider your electronic fingerprints as well. Better yet try to stay on the right side of the law.
Agreed while I am connected to the cloud and enjoy the features. I can also unplug the net and still control things. Also I use a company that has been doing this for decades and has protocol information available. Even so it's always a risk, you just have to plan for and manage it.
It's not reliable. You have to be able to control it locally. Also if you want reliable kit buy from companies that have been in business at least 5 years or that follow standards such as ZWave or others. Lot's of companies come up with a home control product and think it will be amazing. Only to find out that people are not interested in buying it. It then get's dumped. Leaving owners out of luck.
That is the problem. The physical equipment lasts a lot longer than the OS. I still have to be familiar with W95 on some systems also Windows NT and Windows 2k. You just don't connect any of it to the internet.
As an example the helldesk today is supporting a computer problem on a 1982 CNC machine. Sadly there is no easy way to upgrade the computer.
As for warnings we routinely warn against everything. Otherwise you get sued for failure to warn. "You didn't tell me pouring gasoline (petrol for our British friends) on a fire is dangerous."
I think we agree more than we disagree. I would agree on minimal free service but it has to be a reasonable level. These days even a couple of cell phone pictures or ads can be several MB of data. Things just need to be realistic is all. As for browsers I do prefer Brave but it's not always easily available on every OS I use. While I could make it work, that takes time I don't have at the moment.
Yes and no. All the phone data shows is which tower you are using at that moment. If you are doing questionable activities and have your phone that is not wise. However say your phone indicates you were in another town during a crime that would have quite a different result. Your defense counsel will bring that up as reasonable doubt.
I just received my new Moto G Power. The reason I did not spend more for a flagship is that I am not spending roughly $700+ USD for a phone that will no longer be upgraded in two years. If you want me to spend a lot of money you are going to have to be sure my investment will last.
I would be more than happy to consider a Linux phone but it has to work with Android Auto. I use it enough that it is an essential safety application.
The big deal as you say is connecting to the internet. I can understand not using passwords and encryption if you have your own ISOLATED network not connected to anything else. If they are close enough to plug in then you have many other problems. The problem comes when the boss wants to connect so he can check on the factory, or the chief engineer want's to be able to reprogram from home without have to get dressed and come in when the off shift calls. Once you hit that point you are trusting every other user on the internet to respect your system. Simply put, that is not going to happen. You need the VPN, strong passwords and encryption. If the software is designed with good security built in then you have defense in depth.
Actually there is a pretty huge fight brewing on this. Our Attorney General issued a warning this weekend State and local governments cannot harass citizens for attending Church at Easter as long as the church is practicing social distancing safety. Several local and state government agencies were trying to ban drive in Easter Services. For those who don't know a drive in service is where people stay in their cars 6 ft (2 m) apart much like an old time drive through movie theater. This was lost on these officials who decided that there must be NO gatherings. Though it is perfectly ok to go to the grocery store, liquor store, pot dispensary etc. They were also trying to go after Gun Stores also but again they were shut down.