Why are these things not being shouted from the rooftops?
Okay, here's the deal. There are things about Trump that should be deeply troubling to, well, EVERYONE! However, for whatever reason, American voters are totally okay with ignoring certain parts of the constitution in favor of others.
Problem #1: Donald's complete lack of understanding of what the US Constitution is about. He has no clue that his entire platform that he's running on is based on one humongous violation of the first amendment - religious freedom. You can't discriminate against (or deport, or block entry into the US) people of any faith because of their religious beliefs, alone. And yet, his frothing-at-the-mouth supporters all seem to understand what the second amendment is about. Cognitive dissonance, anyone? Selective memory?
Problem #2: Donald's complete lack of understanding of the fourth amendment, and due process. We don't build back doors into gadgets and encryption ciphers, because we have something called due process, which typically involves obtaining a warrant (and not the FISA Court kind).
Problem #3: Donald's complete lack of understanding of how the US Government is structured, and how government representatives are not above the law, but rather subject TO the law. We have a system of checks and balances, and three branches of government which are designed to maintain the aforementioned checks and balances. You don't get to become president, and do away with those things just because you're some kind of "rogue, maverick, straight-shooting reformer", as he seems to view himself.
Problem #4: Donald asking why we can't use the nuclear weapons that we have. Enough said there. This terrifies the shite out of me.
Problem #5: We know that Trump asked the Russians to hack the US Government's networks. In the real world, if anyone else were to do this, there would be one word to describe this kind of action: TREASON. Why is no one pointing out what a treasonous psychopath this man is?
Problem #6: Trump's cozy friendship with Vladimir Putin. Enough said there.
Problem #7: Donald is a psychopathic, misogynistic, malignant narcissistic, xenophobic, racist megalomaniac who thinks that he's always right, even when he's obviously wrong. A little diplomacy goes a long way. Trump has no idea what diplomacy even means, because it doesn't exist in his world. He's also a card-carrying birther, and has operated in quite a few legal gray areas involving things such as his income taxes, his 4 bankrupted businesses, his side-stepping of the immigration process for his wife, his view of illegal immigration (which, by the way, is at its lowest rate in years at the moment), and his hatred for anyone who isn't a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant.
Problem #8: Donald doesn't have a clue who ISIS actually is, because for the most part, none of us do. How can he expect to fight against an enemy who conducts themselves with subversive, hidden, underground tactics designed to, well, terrorize people by exploiting the element of surprise. This is why you can't fight a war on an idea. Have we learned nothing from the GWB years?
Problem #9: Did I mention that he's a dangerous psychopath who quite possibly would have access to nuclear arms? Seriously. Nuclear. F*****g. Weapons. And Trump. Nuclear apocalypse, anyone? Thanks, but I'll pass.
I guess I could go on, but really, I think I've covered most of the important stuff. I'm no Hillary fan either, but compared to Trump, I'll take 1,000 Hillarys over just one Trump any day of the week.