* Posts by JohnLBergqvist

3 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jul 2016

A year living with the Nexus 5X – the good, the bad, and the Nougat


Re: Hmmm...

I think when they say "software overlay" it's just a custom launcher/homescreen APK... All you'd need to do is get the stock Launcher.apk from somewhere - install it, then Android will say "Which Launcher do you wish to use?" and you pick the one you've just installed...

Of course that's for now anyway. Although even previous Nexus builds weren't totally stock android (AOSP+GApps) anyway, with their HP print-malarkey apps etc.

Interestingly, no-ones said whether the Pixel phone will still come with a bootloader that you can unlock should you want to, as the Nexus devices did... I wonder if they'll release a "Developer" edition of the Pixel phone with a build of android that comes without the Pixel-specific launcher etc. and with an unlocked bootloader - a few months down the line?

Microsoft ordered to fix 'excessively intrusive, insecure' Windows 10


Re: I've said it before

IMO Linux Mint is for people who are too dumb to install codecs by themselves.

I have to say, Linux has come on in leaps & bounds in the past 10 years - trying to get Suse 9.3 to install on my circa 2003 Acer Laptop was a PITA - zero drivers for my soundcard, modem, ethernet port, printer etc. Thankfully driver support seems to have improved a lot.

Personally I use Arch.

Is Mint still based on Ubuntu? I try to avoid anything by canonical now tbh as they kinda have a "lets ship our proprietory software on top of open-source stuff and slurp all their data" approach too. Although tbh everyone does this now, Canonical, Apple, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Ebay/PayPal, Banks, CCTV, Netflix etc. etc. so frankly Microsoft seem late to the party.

Empty your free 30GB OneDrive space today – before Microsoft deletes your files for you


Re: NAS Drives

I hope you didn't get the NAS drive I got - where (using the drive's default firmware) I renamed a Samba share, thinking it would, naturally rename it. Instead it DELETED the original samba share & all it's contents, and then created a new one with the name I wanted it renamed to -_-

Thankfully I backed up, but still. Geez. I just use a sever of my own construction now.