* Posts by Jassop

5 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jul 2016

Seriously, boss? You want that stupid password? OK, you get that stupid password


Sorry, but "Ben" sounds like an unprofessional dick. His only complaint is that it was a small company? And for that he screwed them over by deliberetly messing up a password?

As they say on Reddit, YTA Ben.

Dutch watchdog fines Booking.com €475k after it kept customer data thefts quiet for more than 3 weeks


Re: OnlineWhatsit.com

If that figure of $4.9 billion oncome from $15.1 billion revenue is right, that's a hell of a fat slice to take for a middle man. Booking direct would probably be a good idea!

The revolution will not be televised because my television has been radicalised


Re: Not the One I Was Thinking Of

Yes, sounds like Sky news, and it also really bugs me. I can think of two reasons:

1) None of the other news outlets are up to bidding more for your eyeballs than Sky, and YouTube / Google want to get paid, ergo ignore your choice and show Sky to get paid

2) Google trying to do something sneaky about the new Australian laws that stop them stealing news content (but I have no idea what)

It only took Oz govt transformation bods 6 months and $700k to report that blockchain ain't worth the effort


I also use wine by the case.

Pardon? What are we talking about again?

Congrats, Linux users – you're finally officially alpha males... on Skype


Why do you assume all Linux users are male?

If you had worked in a pun about Skype being a replacement for "Mail" it could maybe have worked...