* Posts by f-den

3 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jul 2016

Massive tech-for-British-schoolkids cash pot up for grabs as UK education buyers prep £140m agreement


Re: Framework samework

That's a very good explanation of framework agreements. Thank you.

Graduate recruitment site exposed 50,000 CVs sent to Virgin Media UK


Re: Security Engineer?

Innocent question: if email is not secure, how would it work otherwise? Surely Forgotten Password on the site would leave you just as vulnerable? Just curious to know as personally I find NOT needing to enter a password on these sites quite convenient

The Reg Coding competition – 10 times as hard as the last one!

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Re: Some of the specs a missing...

Doesn't mention Python 2 or Python 3, or which standard libraries can be used. Python 3 IS the real language of course.