Re: Eh?
Why are you taking 47's words at "face value", that is as "true facts", given his clear history of, shall we say, self serving confabulation and outright false statments?
60 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jul 2016
Nonsense. The "majority" of Americans do not vote at all. A "majority" of those that voted MAY have voted for the Former Guy.
Oddly, all the claims of a "fraudulent election" have disappeared along with any questions about TFG's assertions of "the fix being in" at several campaign events.
"You are responsible for stupid/bad shit you do (or try to do). Even if your mates egged you on. Even if one of your mates was a malicious chatbot. Even if you are sad and lonely, and have no (real) significant other. You have the responsibility to THINK."
Yes. To THINK.
Isn't it a given that people with "mental health" conditions are NOT able to think rationally or at least in a manner consistent with "the norm"?
While that may not excuse one from societal retribution for an act, it should certainly enter into the form and term of the retribution. At the very least, the issue is not addressable in the "flat" manner you posit.
"There's absolutely no evidence that the USA engages in proxy wars, influences client states, promotes regime change in countries which are of geographical signifiance, or anything like that..."
This has what do with a third party, non governmental entity, influencing the conduct and course of a War?
"No, I'm not a China fan, but on the other hand I dislike bullies, liars and BS and the motivations of the US appear increasingly suspect here."
Good for you. But you seem unwilling to apply those dislikes to evaluating the actions of China and Russia?
". . .it appears Biden has decided to ride along with what Trump started, which has in turn forced China closer to Putin's Russia."
No one is forcing to do anything. The Chinese leadership could choose a path of economic co-operation, respect for IP and Human Rights. Instead, it has chosen another path, one you condemn when allegedly pursued by the US.
"I note they're still keeping their distance somewhat as a signal that they're not just going along with what Putin is doing, but overall it's not good IMHO."
Yes overall things are not good. Surely you are aware that Xi is now visiting with Putin. which can hardly be seen as keeping their distance.
Worked for SONY for a bit in their doomed attempt to market an "almost nearly, somewhat" compatible PC, based on Z-80. .
Some of the "elders" with previous tech experience on Trinitron spoke of the Factory Techs that worked in production with awe. Field attempts at replacing a CRT were doomed to hours of alignment effort and rarely approached "as good as from the Factory".
"There will NOT be any IoT. "
Than you know of.
"(That TV is turned off at the power strip when not in use, too, and I've gone through the privacy settings very carefully.)"
Great idea. But, how do you know the "privacy settings" do any more than say "Yes SIR!" and keep on sniffing and telling anyway? For that matter, how do you know there is not sufficient battery or capacitor capacity (ahem) to allow them to transmit a "Holy Shit!, this one is on to us. tell the Mother Ship everything NOW!"?
Eh? Paranoid, say you? Experienced, say I.
Regarding the "nuclear" options . . .
In order to "bury" a nuclear device in this rubble pile, presumably one would need to match "course and speed" in order to do so. Then having detonated, if the trajectory of this now radioactive mess, err, mass, was not altered sufficiently to miss Earth entirely, you can add nuclear "fallout" to the environmental horror show.
"Why does anyone anywhere take a dietary supplement without medical supervision? How many hundreds of thousands of years have we just been eating stuff?"
Why do people choose their own diets, without Parental supervision? Repair their own vehicles without Certified Repair Person supervision? Choose their own News sources without Professional monitoring?
Perhaps because intelligent, investigative persons, relatively free of effects of psychological manipulation, choose to determine their own best course of action in life?
RADICALS!!! Better to just do as you are told.
In the "dim time", disc drives were huge affairs, spinning multiple platters of 14 inch (?) diameter on a single spindle. Often these stacks were removable, using a specialized device, allowing "unlimited" storage.
While the drive units were "sealed" when in use, recirculating HEPA filtered air and utilized a "cleaning cycle", "head crashes" where common even in "clean" environments.
My first foray into "Field Engineering" led me to spend several years as a Flying Tool Bag and Tech Support person with CalComp when it was still a leading force in x,y plotters and microfiche printers. That was when they had just absorbed "Century Data", the Storage Device thorn in IBM's side.
Ah, the memories . . . of all sorts,.
But, but, that takes all the fun out of reversing out into the roadway amidst heavy traffic.
However, trying to reverse into a driveway, expecting the traffic behind you to be pleasantly patient, or even stop far enough back to allow your reverse maneuver, is, well, problematic.
I failed in my first driver license "road test" for an "backing up" infraction. This was before mandatory seat belts.
Turns out, the "violation" was not having both hands on the wheel, as I tossed one arm over the seat while craning my neck to better see out the back window. When I protested and asked about the "correct way" I was told I needed to keep both hands on the wheel and use the rear view mirror(s).
When I further protested that method left lots of "blind spots", I was loudly berated and threatened with arrest. Even as a 17 YO, I had wisdom enough to shut up and reschedule my test. Yes, these clowns had "police authority" and could have affected an arrest.
The metals in Nuclear plants become radioactive in different ways.
Some due to "neutron activation" of corrosion products that may form and deposit (normally kept to a minimum) creating a variety of radioactive materials and due to direct neutron activation of the reactor vessel, piping and structural components. Not to mention actual fission products that may deposit about the piping due to small defects in the fuel "cladding" itself allowing small amounts of fuel to escape into the coolant.
Thus the reasons for treating them differently.
I am astonished, but not surprised, at the the lack of attention to detail in the article.
The first paragraph contains a glaring inaccuracy. A "mile" (as in "go the extra") would equate to 1.61 km, not 1 km. So "go the extra mile (or kilometer)" should have read "go the extra mile (or 1.61 km)"
This edition of "Yet Another Pedantic Comment" has been brought to you by the Publishers of "Pedantry in the Pursuit of Perfection is no Vice".
Proper you posted AC. "Walkways . . . you keep saying that word. I don't think means what you think it means (in support of your fabricated scenario)".
You initially bought up walkways as a red herring and and when I did not bite, you kept fishing anyway, landed nothing, and built a "fish tale" upon it.
You're one of those guys that makes statements well know to be true, (high pressure steam leaks are invisible within several feet of a leak and can cause detachment of body parts), using that as a cudgel to attempt a beat down of point that was not made..
Further, "because walkways are supposed to be safe corridors" is a statement only a fool would make, as no one in a high pressure steam plant assumes any place is a "safe corridor" and exercises extreme caution at all times, or pays a price.
But, you win the Pedants Prize today.
Gosh, in a "steam" plant, leaks in various places might cause puddles, high humidity, or the occasional severed digit, if careless. Such leakage might even be tolerable and repair deferred to a normal maintenance period.
But CO2 leakage, well, not quite a breath of fresh air, is it?
No "justification" is necessary.
Any Country that does not restrict or ban sales and use of computer and comm gear built by a foreign interest that sees itself as an economic and Military opponent is deluded or suicidal.
China now purports to have the largest, Navy on the planet and continues to operate as if preparing for War. With whom, one might ask?
"Indentured service" perhaps, but not "slavery".
It is, in reality, a reasonable way for talented, "got no special privileges", person to get an advanced education they might not obtain otherwise.
Just ask the US Navy, which churned out thousands of highly qualified Technical people over the decades.
Kind of makes "forensics" a problem, yes?
To allow modification of browser "history" is to invite all sorts of mischief when a malicious individual, group, or Government, decides to fabricate or enhance a potential case against someone.
Paranoid? Really?
- A Regional office I often visited had a secretary named "Dottie" (something). First time she was introduced to someone she's say "And I am". Each interaction with her proved she was correct.
- A Co-worker among the Field Engineering staff was named Ron Hiscock. He was quite proud of his name and was prone to prove it's validity.
- A Vietnamese war refugee fellow that worked where I consulted once was named (spelled phonetically) "Fah Kiew" and loved to relate tales of starting fights with GI's when they asked his name.