* Posts by Ron2016

3 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jul 2016

Google borks its Drive Windows app – after pushing out unfinished buggy version to public


Not sure why so many people fan for Google.

Looking for enterprise quality, they are far away to go.

A lot of products are just raw, prototype class quality.

When two tribes go to war: Docker Swarm on the left, easier-to-install Kubernetes on the right


Without enterprise level support, no way to use open source in Enterprise.

Whatever goodies they promote, it is just a half-baked product.

Stability and supportability are the key to IT.

Three years in: Can Kurian heal sickly NetApp's woes?


Hyperconverge proved success? not there yet.

Main threat for storage industry is cloud. As to HCI, considering it is just one provisioning layer for server, network and storage.Long way to push storage out.