In the section "Data value is still ‘underexploited’", should the label for the lower graph not read 'UNstructured data'?
6 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Aug 2007
Surely not!
If memory serves, Excel was originally written for the Mac and only later was made available for Windows.
Kind of annoying really, given that these days you have to wait ages for new Mac versions of Office, and then they don't always include all the features of the Windows version...
Reminds me of a device marketed by Audio Technica (better known for tonearms and pickup cartridges for turntables) in the 1980s called the Soundburger:
I got one from Rumbelows (remember them?), heavily discounted to £25 from about £90 (guess they didn't sell).
Bizarre as it might seem, the audio quality was astonishingly good.