* Posts by dukeofbrookhaven

2 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jun 2016

'I urge everyone to fight back' – woman wins $10k from Microsoft over Windows 10 misery


Re: Now the precedent has been set ...

>historically all a class action suit does is make the lawyers rich. The people get basically zilch

I personally hope for the class action suit, because:

(a) it would set a very public example of "dark patterns" (tricking people to follow the preference of the large corporation)

(b) it's the only chance of getting Microsoft's attention that "opt-in" is the least costly way to do business, and

(c) the sweet irony that -- particularly in the US -- class action suits are usually opt-out, so most people will stay in the class action the same way the stayed in the Windows 10 upgrade path

Parliament takes axe to 2nd EU referendum petition


Re: Democracy in action...?

> By the way, there is a significant difference between throwing toys out of the pram and taking a full unconditional responsibility for what you have done.

Democracy in action means everybody takes full and unconditional responsibility. If the minority had the better idea, then it's their own fault for failing to articulate this complicated issue clearly.

> So my only wish is that the geriatric majority which brought us this vote takes the responsibility proportional to the way they voted ... CUT the pensions ... CUT all treatment for diseases prevalent in the 60-90 population in the NHS ... CUT from the budget share for care services.

So, all the sacrifices should be made by the demographic that you perceive made you lose? I'd talk more but I can't hear you over the sound of these toys clattering on the sidewalk.

FWIW, It looks like a crazy choice to me, but voters get the politicians (and the consequences) they deserve.