Re: Graft
I'm going to guess after your comments on Oklahoma that you have never actually been to Oklahoma. I live in Oklahoma City and while I will admit there are small towns here, there are small towns everywhere. I have traveled on I-40 to California many times on vacation and have gone to many other states using other highways and such as I don't like to fly. I prefer to drive to see all the wonderful scenery. I can tell you, Mr. Frequent Flyer a.k.a Anonymous Coward, that for one, you are missing out. This country has some beautiful landscape and all sorts of things to see and experience when you actually get in your car and drive. For two, there are many celebrities, both musicians and very famous actors, that are from Oklahoma. James Garner, for example, is from Oklahoma. Brad Pitt was born in Shawnee, Oklahoma. For three, I have seen many other cities in many other states that look exactly like Oklahoma City. The residents there are also very much like the residents in Oklahoma City. Are we a little more laid back than some? Yes. But comparing us to the Children of the Corn movie tells me that whatever state you are from must be the same state and area where they filmed Deliverance and apparently not much has changed since then. But please, continue to fly overhead as pompous uneducated jerks are not welcome in our state.