* Posts by Never10_use_Puppylinux

13 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jun 2016

Venturing beyond the default OS on Raspberry Pi 5


GhostBSD-Arm64 is running on Raspi4B Re: arm64 versions of FreeBSD

Yes, we have HDMI Audio working on GhostBSD-Arm64 for Raspberry Pi 4B 8Gb or 4Gb or 2Gb. You can play YouTube Videos on your HDMI TV screen without using Headphones. You can build your own FreeBSD kernel from source /usr/src and add these same patch files. https://ghostbsd-arm64.blogspot.com/2024/01/hdmi-audio-sound-patches-into-ghostbsd.html

I posted URL links for those that are interested to read more information about FreeBSD.org/where RPI Arm64 image





https://bsdnow.tv/545 HDMI Audio sound patches into GhostBSD source code, My blog mentioned in http://BSDnow.tv #545 podcast 12:10-17:05

https://ghostbsd-arm64.blogspot.com/2024/01/hdmi-audio-sound-patches-into-ghostbsd.html?sc=1707523557050#c7947451479546182814 Blog post mentioned in BSDNow #545

https://t.me/c/1228836331/2448 my blog comment

mentioned in Arm Open Source comment. Enjoy


You can boot FreeBSD on the Pi 5 with: https://github.com/worproject/rpi5-uefi

Display, USB and SD work out-of-the-box.

I just gave that a go and was pleasantly surprised how easy it was.

Downloaded the most recent FreeBSD 15 aarch64 RPI image

Put it onto a microSD card (I used the Raspberry Pi Imager on my mac, but I assume that dd would do the same)

Tried booting that, didn't work, as expected

Got out a USB flash drive, download the firmware image from the rpi5-uefi githib repo (the zip file from the link below "2. Download the firmware image")

Extracted the 3 files from the zip file to the USB drive

Plugged in the USB drive and booted.

Presto, FreeBSD.

OK, no ethernet, no wifi, fan at full speed.

https://forums.FreeBSD.org/threads/raspberry-pi-5-status.91406/post-641494 Raspberry Pi 5 Status post

https://forums.freebsd.org/forums/embedded.11/ FreeBSD Embedded Forums posts

https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewforum.php?f=85 FreeBSD Operating System on Raspberry Pi forums posts

https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=343233 My Entry about booting FreeBSD on Raspberry Pi 4B hardware.

GhostBSD makes FreeBSD a little less frightening for the Linux loyal


GC Hans Boehm memory collection should help too.Re: I've Used GhostBSD

GC Hans Boehm memory collection should help too.Re: I've Used GhostBSD

Google Malloc replacement, or realloc.


Ghostbsd-Arm64 Re: BSD, Linux or ... Linux

Work In Progress, have the base test system running for plus 12 Days now as of November 8, 2023 Pacific Daylight time PDT. I was testing XFCE4.18 using SCFB frame buffer driver.

Follow along at my confusing, not organized blog posts. Ghostbsd-arm64.blogpost.com

Getting the system to work using ghostbsd source code repositories ( which are drawn from upstream Freebsd source code)

@robonuggie www.youtube.com/@Robonuggie

@GaryHTech www.youtube.com/@GaryHTech

Great FreeBSD Howto videos there on 400

Can somebody test out and prove Logitech H390 usb headset working on Freebsd 14.0 RC2 on the Raspberry Pi 4B, 3B, 400 keyboard.

Looking for testers to download 2 garm* tar.gz files write one to ESP FAT32 260Mbyte partition

write 2nd one to -t Freebsd-ufs 12Gb to larger size partition.

Give a hand and solutions back to https://t.me/ghostbsd Telegram Grouo Arm64 Development

or Arm Open-Source telegram group


See you there!

Anyone want to setup NextCloud on RaspberryPi Arm64 on Freebsd / Ghostbsd shell script available

Fred Finster

Linux on the Arm-based Thinkpad X13S: It's getting there


Running Ubuntu Desktop on Arm-based laptops Nov 3 2023 Riga Latvia,

ubuntu Summit 2023 This should provide some answers

Running Ubuntu Desktop on Arm-based laptops

Nov 3, 2023, 5:30 PM


Gordan Markus Canonical


In this talk, the speaker will introduce the history of running Ubuntu Desktop on Arm-based platforms, the challenges, and the learnings. Additionally, we will zoom in on the current state of the ecosystem, and the enabled devices with a focus on Lenovo's Thinkpad X13s. The Lenovo X13s features a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx Gen 3 system-on-chip, and due to the incredible work of the community, the upstream kernel support has progressed immensely in the past year.

The Linux community has been eagerly waiting for a fully Linux-supported Arm-based desktop solution, and today, we are closer to that goal more than ever! We would like to use this opportunity to bring the community together on this journey, recognize our key partners and call everyone to action in providing us with feedback. Last but not least, we would like to share with you our plans and exciting news!

No answer to this guy on Install Ubuntu on Arm Lenovo Ideapad 4 , snapdragon-8c. Win some, lose Some

Fred Finster porting GhostBSD.org MATE or XFCE desktop BSD to ARM64 Presently running on Raspberry Pi 4B w/ 8G

FreeBSD where to download RPI snapshot image to write into USB flash drive.

Has Apple abandoned CUPS, the Linux's world's widely used open-source printing system? Seems so


DEC LN03 RS-232 serial line 9600 comm interface Re: Postscript

openprinting dot org/printer/DEC/DEC-LN03 I believe it was 9600 baud serial 8 bits 1 stop bit, None parity.

This was a great addition to my home computer system. 286 PC with MSDOS 6.2 ,1 Megabyte of Memory, and GeoWorks Ensemble 2.x?? I could open a GeoDraw program and create an image then print the image with the output being PostScript file sent serially 9600 baud to the COM1: or COM2: port to the Digital Equipment Computer DEC-LN03 printer. This was the cats meow for sure. I bought the printer from a used electronics-recycle store in Downtown Seattle Washington. I saw the GeoWorks Ensemble on the shelf at a Egghead store and bought it for $99 ?? around 1994 or 1995. This was before Windows95 was released. I showed this program to my boss at Datalight with their product ROM-DOS and thought he could sell ROM-DOS 3.0 DOS license to GeoWorks to replace the need for a license for MS-DOS or DR-DOS. This was around the time frame that MS-DOS had some secret code inside so that Windows95 would not run on another competing Disk Operating System (DOS). Yes, Microsoft licensed Windows95 to Computer Manufactures in an exclusive deal and froze out GeoWorks Ensemble from being pre-installed on computer being sold by the manufacture. evil Microsoft.

So I had a true multitasking Operating System, a GUI desktop that could have a couple programs open at the same time. Create a document that I could print on a postscript printer. Time frame 1992-95 (I can't remember back that far exactly when)

Google GeoWorks or GeoWorks Ensemble for some fun history reading

Windows to become emulation layer atop Linux kernel, predicts Eric Raymond


Re: No SystemD? Look at GhostBSD with MATE or XFCE desktop

GhostBSD has a telegram group. You can download an .ISO file and burn to USB Flash drive and test boot up the live image on your computer and see if you like this BSD. Take a few minutes and check it out as a replacement for your daily driver.

No SystemD, use OpenRC to start systems. Based on FreeBSD 12.1 Stable but from GhostBSD controlled repository. Gnome HOSTed BSD, uses MATE desktop.

Thanks for the consideration of useful BSD, if you don't like SystemD.

Yes, I use Manjaro Linux installed to SSD, BTW. ;>) and Puppylinux frugal install from a USB flash drive. So not Linux adverse here. Use the OS that works for your work flow needs.


Re: Look at GhostBSD with MATE or XFCE desktop

GhostBSD has a telegram group. You can download an .ISO file and burn to USB Flash drive and test boot up the live image on your computer and see if you like this BSD. Take a few minutes and check it out as a replacement for your daily driver. No SystemD, use OpenRC to start systems. Based on FreeBSD 12.1 Stable but from GhostBSD controlled repository.

Thanks for the consideration of useful BSD, if you don't like SystemD.

Yes, I use Manjaro Linux installed to SSD, BTW. ;>) and Puppylinux frugal install from a USB flash drive. So not Linux adverse.

Worried about bootkits, rootkits, UEFI nasties? Have you tried turning on Secure Boot, asks the No Sh*! Agency


Re: Is there some technical reason...

"Bring back the Read Only RO jumper on the BIOS PROM chip on the motherboard!"

Yes, but that would cost 2 cents for that jumper and pin header on the motherboard.

TOO, TWO, TOO expensive for the trusted Hardware security it provides. This motherboard manufacturer has NO SENSE to spare with solid security. So we just enable "SECURE" boot ie BOOT ONLY THAT NASTY VIRUS LADEN ROOTABLE MicroSoft Windows that everyone knows and loves.

Nimwits and Windows only trained Information Technology desk jockeys declare "TOO Hard to use a security conscious OpenBSD.org operating system" , or FreeBSD.org with 40 year history , or Ghostbsd.org. Well not TOO hard for me or you to use a BSD with nice GUI desktop, nicely designed in Access Control Lists (ACL) multiuser from the beginning of the OS.

No, No, Spam, Spam, Every where. That is what I like. Viruses for all to enjoy I say. MS Windows is the superior operating system that is easy to use. /SARC

How many millions of computer users financial information must be compromised, before some smart IT Windows Guru Guy recognizes it is Truly MS Windows that is designed for ease to be a massive Virus spreader. Read up on Krebsonsecurity dot com or twitter briankrebs

Thought you'd go online to buy better laptop for home working? Too bad, UK. So did everyone. Laptops, monitors and WLANs fly off shelves


Re: For furniture..., God and Country

Glad to hear of your success on Ebay. With a bit of time, you can install PeppermintOS 10 Linux on a HDD or SDD 120GB Sata 2.5" or 16 GB USB flash drive and increase your profit from you Laptop sales.


Or other Linux you like, Zorin OS 15.2 , Ubuntu, Pop!_OS, Ubuntu


Re: Provisioning Windows

Sorry you have lost your job, Sir. Maybe you can start your own business of installing PeppermintOS Or ZorinOS 15 Linux onto Laptops and sell them to support people working from home? You have the knowledge for the back end and could configure the front end with Linux tools.

Seems that shelves are empty of speedy NEW laptops, so fight the war with the kit you have at hand. Just get rid of Windows7 and Windows10.


Avaya files for bankruptcy


Look at Ward Mundy's Asterisk Blog NerdVittles.com

See Nerdvittles.com Ward Mundy's VoIP Blog XiVO Wazo products look very good.

Want Cloudy VoIP? Look at installing XiVO Incredible PBX into Digital Oceans Cloud webserver offering.

The Definitive Quick Start Guide: Introducing Incredible PBX for XiVO

Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 2:00 am

Good replacement and simple to tryout. Have a go at this option.

Power cut crashes Delta's worldwide flight update systems


IBM offers mainframe in the cloud today

We have some 360s, 370s, & 390s, available for demo in the cloud. (our backend warehouse storage room Just UPS (united parcel service) overnite your card deck and in 24 hours we will mail you back 2 day USPS your printout and card deck. /sarc off.

Does not that 390 emulate / run Linux? Is there a IBM 360 emulator for Linux available.

Interesting what the CIO will do to address this power problem in the next few days.

Even in remotest Africa, Windows 10 nagware ruins your day: Update burns satellite link cash


Re: Bill them? never10 to prevent upgrade.

"and does not actually provide a mechanism to say "no" to automatic downloads of Windows 10."

Google Never10 and find a little 163 kilobyte utility from Gibson research to say "no" and turn off the Get Windows 10 nag ware. The other utility is GWX Control panel from a different source.

Last consider an upgrade path to a Version of Linux or BSD. Http://puppex.exton.net or Http://www.linuxmint.com or http://pcbsd.org. Or http://puppylinux.org