* Posts by DartfordMan

10 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jun 2016

Torvalds weighs in on 'nasty' Rust vs C for Linux debate



On one project I discovered the offshore team Notepad. We couldn't understand why there were so many compiler errors LOL

Samsung: We will remotely brick smart TVs looted from our warehouse


Re: Bye bye Samsung

Haha you THINK they aren't internet enabled, but wait until the vacuum cleaner publishes pictures of your poor cleaning strategy to further Samsung's desire to 'resolve societal challenges'.

Facebook and Apple are toying with us, and it's scarcely believable


Re: The difference between Apple & the old IBM...

What's interesting is how long it took IBM to realise they weren't top dog anymore. Years after the shine had gone off the 'Nobody got fired for buying IBM' attitude, there was still an arrogance in the company that they could take or leave customers or technologies. They still did a lot of really good stuff (like Apple and Facebook etc), but they just had this view that customers were lucky to buy from them.When they bought a new company, loads of customers would drop the product and find someone else to buy from ... and still the penny didn't drop.

Same with Microsoft, loads of people saw Google as a saviour from the total mastery that MS wanted; trouble is when the new liberator takes over, they become a dictator because they know best and we need to be controlled for our own good.

One-time Brexit Secretary David Davis demands Mike Lynch's extradition to US be halted


Re: Saccolas

No, I suspect Boris will roll over to have his tummy scratched in his keenness to get a trade deal. He hasn't demonstrated a highly tuned sense of principle in the past, has he?


Re: Would you trust a USA court ...

Off topic, but maybe Britain should tell all its diplomatic spouses to drive on the wrong side in USA - see if they see the funny side.

Sorry to be blunt about this... Open AWS S3 storage bucket just made 30,000 potheads' privacy go up in smoke


But we know that putting all our data on the cloud run by clowns, sorry, that should read 'large corporations who promise our data are all highly secure and can never be hacked, lost, or released to the world - until it is', is totally and entirely safe. I for one trust AWS, Google, IBM and the other one who I've forgotten, to be entirely trustworthy and responsible, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Why should I feel any concern about the publication of all my information anyway? What's the worst that can happen?

I could throttle you right about now: US Navy to ditch touchscreens after kit blamed for collision


A long time ago I briefly worked on the electronics on battle tanks. The principle was 'who ever gets their electronics in first gets to pick the best spot'. No planning or organisation. I'd assumed that modern technology would have got beyond that and thought about ergonomics. Apparently that's for the next release :-)

Staff 'fury' as penny pinching IBM offers legal minimum redundo payoffs


Re: Owners matter too

Of course owners matter, I've seen the value of my investment in IBM drop by 10% in this year alone! But treating people like sh*t is not the way to drive up share value


Re: Owners matter too

I might not feel so aggrieved if it was announced that Ginni's job had been outsourced to an Indian paid 10% of her salary. But the executives continue to feather their nests very, very comfortably. I presume the original poster of 'Owners matter too' voted against the offensively huge salaries being paid to a bunch of failures who have driven the company value down so far whilst rewarding themselves so well (I did).

Ding ding: IBM rings bell for round two of job cuts at GTS


Brexit could screw IBM UK

Maybe this is why IBM wants to stay in Europe. Once there is no-one left in UK and they have to ship people in for every project they are going to drown in paperwork to get workers through the Tunnel. Its nearly enough to make me vote to leave.