Well Done
At least this person had the cahoonas to tell it straight, of course it will fall on deaf ears as no manager can ever be wrong.
Worked with a guy in the UK NHS who quit, he was asked to give an exit interview, it went along these lines.
Speaking to the manager
“It is obvious you have read a book on managing IT written by Steve Jobs, you are ill equipped to run an IT dept and your man management is not even at the basic level.
I have spent the last 3 weeks designing various UI and each time you say it is not good enough, I then presented you with the first one again and you said why could you not have done that in the first place.
You should go back to the accounts department where you came from, making an excel spreadsheet is not IT.”
The colleague told us this over farewell drinks.
Monday morning the manager spoke to staff explaining that out friend had left due to ill health.
The moral of the story is make sure your bosses boss is in the room when you throw the grenade.