* Posts by RichardPSmith

3 publicly visible posts • joined 16 May 2016

Google is the EU Remain campaign's secret weapon


Re: It's #5 when I just looked

Why would anyone who wants Brexit want more traffic for North's site?

All he does is slime everyone in the leave camp, day in, day out.

If Google were really involved here and wanted to help 'remain' they would give him a high ranking so his daily attacks on 'leave' got more publicity.

I suspect Orlowski's motives in lifting this madman into some publicity: North is not a friend of the 'leave' campaign.


Not Google - self-destructed

North has spent the last few years slinging buckets of slime over all his allies and banning any critical comments. The Remainers, on the other hand, he rarely attacks.

He is now alone and ignored. He doesn't need any manual intervention from Google: he's flown his site into the ground all on his own.

Most of his traffic is probably remainers looking for some useful points to attack the leavers with.

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