The Greatest Fear is Fear Itself
You own a home that can suffer from flooding due to rivers overflowing occasionally. You build a small retaining wall that you hope will keep your home safe in all but the worst of situations. You go on vacation to Europe feeling more secure that your property is safe. A once in a lifetime flood occurs and your home is wiped out. The moral of this story is that when you think about improving your world, for something to be worthwhile it does not have to be 100% secure or mitigate all risk, it must improve your situation either by quality of life or by limiting failure from your prior state. This nonsense of fearing, which will certainly occur, infrequent failures in a system that improve our lives substantially is ridiculous and in my opinion is promoted by people who will be well served by either power or money if their ideas are considered seriously. All of us should put our practical hats on and adopt first and secure second.