Yay! Flame war!
Its always the same. I found the comments much more entertaining than the article. Keep up the good work kids.
5 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Aug 2007
I abandoned microsoft at about Windows 98 in favour of an operating system that actually worked (kind of). A couple of years ago I bought a laptop as a present for My girlfriend, not too shabby but definitely price was the deciding factor in my choice. 128mb video card, 256 of memory, should be OK, I thought. How wrong I was. Not being overly conversant with Windows XP I had no idea what a fat lardy bit of code it was, also it was not helped by all of those little things the manufacturers decide you need running. The video card stole 64mb from the main memory and when booted the OS had a footprint of 259mb at a stand still. All the poor little thing was capable of doing was sitting on its own quietly in a corner swapping like mad purely just to stand still. You could hear the quiet pleas of turn me off coming from the hard drive. It was duly turned off and returned to the shop where bought for a refund on the grounds that it did not do what it said on the tin. ie the made for XP sticker. They were not happy but finally coughed up. The sticker scam has been going on for years I would assume with large PC sales companies fixing the machine by adding extra memory at extra cost to make it do what they told you it would do in the first place.