I don't know how a load of dodgy dealers wangled a "uk" domain but they managed to get
They must have given a brown envelope to someone important.
86 publicly visible posts • joined 12 May 2006
This reminds me of the old story about the Queen asking Prince William what he wanted for Christmas. He replied that he would like an iPod. "What is that?" asked the Queen" William explained that it was a device that enabled him to have all his favourite music with him at any time wherever he went. "Oh" said the Queen, "do you mean a Scottish pipe band?"
Looks to me like the subjunctive which translates as something like "long live Franco"
This sort of language is not that unusual as José Millán-Astray when Commander of the Spanish Foreign Legion during the civil war introduced the war cry of "viva la muerte" or "long live death". I think it it was to show that that they had at least double the cojones of Franco. Se El Reg story
Whoever said that does not have a Macbook!
My Macbook pro is on its fourth power supply in four years. I move around a lot and the computer comes with me and I plug in anywhere I can to get a recharge. I accept that my usage is a lot heavier than a static machine.
The problem is that the cord frays at both ends. There are plenty of examples on Youtube. The plastic is very soft and easily damaged. I bought one genuine replacement and the last two were chinese from ebay and work very well (but are so genuine that they have the same problem with the cord). Eventually I found replacement cords on eBay which are not trivial to fit but do the job well.
So do I have a conscience about ripping off Apple? No of course not. And do they have a conscience about refusing to repair the psu or sell replacement cords. I doubt it.
I cannot take this list seriously as it does not include Quicksilver. I put it at number one. It is quite brilliant and has completely changed how I use my mac. I ignore the Dock and have no desktop icons. I can open any file, program, address, mail recipient or just about anything else with half a dozen keystrokes.
If you have a Mac install it now and soend a few hours playing with it and learning. If you have Ubuntu 10.4 there is a very passable clone.
Wow, how can someone get the facts so wrong while demanding evidence and research.
First a paediatricain is not a foot doctor but a child specailist. At least the doctor bit was right.
Secondly the story is almost an urban myth. The story Dennis_J is alluding to is (I presume) the one referred to here and no doctors of any sort were beaten up. El Reg even gets a mention as one of the spreaders of the myth so maybe it is not all Dennis's fault :)
Never let the facts get in the way of a good story! Unless further evidence and research can produce a story about a paedo podiatrist being beaten up.
i hope they lose the case, apple have taken the piss for too long.
I am very mobile and get around 12 to 18 months use out of a legit power brick before the cable frays - either at the magsafe end or at the power brick end. Apple will not repair them, replace them under warranty or redesign them so that the line to the computer is replaceable.
Even the ripoffs are a rip off. I had to pay £12.50 on eBay just for a replacement cable. You have to break the box, solder in the cable and then use plastic ties to keep the thing in more or less one piece.
Annual costs of £58 for the power cubes and £97 for a battery are going to make my MacBook Pro my last Mac. It will be a laptop with Ubuntu the next time I need a new battery
"Once we pulled Postini out of the loop, all of that deferred mail hit our system (along with quite a lot of spam)," said Russ Meyer"
Is this another El Reg joke or has the old man given up the soft porn business?
Not that I know anything about pr0n. Anything at all! nada ... zilch ....
Have you actually seen a Linux desktop that is less than five years old? Your ignorance is breathtaking. Download Ubuntu, burn a CD, boot it up and take a tour. I promise you will not have to do any compiling or use sed, awk, grep etc.
My 85 year old non techie mother can do that so I guess you can.
Why do politicians speak and think differently before and after high office but do the opposite when they are in a position to actually do something? I remember when Blunkett and most of the labour party were left of centre libertarians. Now it is Jacqui Smith who is running around tmpersonationg a semi-trained rotweiler.
Could it be Sir Humphrey in the background setting the agenda? These billion pound IT schemes are just the sort of thing to give their departments kudos.
>>Force the driver to pay fines for moving violations before they're allowed to drive away.
That is exactly what they do in Spain - and you get a 30% discount. The alternative is to have the car impounded while you fight the case. Of course this will not work in the future when the fines are issued and collected by computers and their cameras rather than by men in blue.
The Government and security forces bitterly resist that idea. The statement is superficially attractive until you consider the other side of the coin. If the wire taps are admissible in court the defence will be entitled to have access to them.
The results of a wire tap could provide evidence of innocence as well as guilt. More importantly the security forces prefer to keep the existence of wire taps secret as it could give a lot of information as to what they know and who they are watching.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
It has always amazed me that the monitor manufacturers stick to the diagonal measurement rather than the more useful surface area.
The difference between 15" and 17" does not sound much and would be much more descriptive if it were in square inches ... reaches for sliderule ... thinks about Pythagoras ... too difficult :))
The idea was to screw the city wheelers and dealers who manipulate their earnings to produce very lowly taxed income, less than his office cleaner one bragged. They have had this route cut off (the poor buggers would now have to pay 18% on their millions). I say "would have to pay" as I am sure that their overpriced lawyers are working on the next dodgy scheme.
The genuine investors in startups will be caught in the crossfire but that is OK, the Government does not care much about them. There will be a windfall for owners of second homes, buy to let investors and all the other needy types so loved by New Labour.
The rest of us who are not paupers will just have to smile and hand over 40% tax.
I will not go there. For five years I have refused to humiliate myself by going through the US bureaucratic nightmare and deal with gimlet faced thugs who treat every foreigner like a tourist.
I had to pay extra to fly to South America via Madrid rather than change flights in Miami. Maybe I will visit again one day, after they have come to their senses. Could be a long wait!
".... suggested to make way for a model with a more rugged, resilient MagSafe connector"
And they don't sell replacement connectors. You are supposed to pay £59 for a new power supply each time the crappy connector breaks or the cable burns.
The comments on the device at UK Apple store show the disgraceful quality of the device.