The last flight Julian took was British Airways. Other than that he has flown nowhere. He asked for, and was granted, asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy. Where did you get that "flight" fantasy ??
Posts by @digikoolaid
15 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Apr 2016
Assange should be furloughed from Belmarsh prison, says human rights org. Here's a thought: He could stay with friends!
UK Government Digital Service links with Australia's Digital Transformation Office
This has a lot of potential for the DTO staff imported from the UK. There's quite a few, and it's likely that they have family members and relatives to visit in the UK. The cost of the flights and the Travel Allowance should help them a lot. That can be added to the TA being paid to Sydney DTO people to fly down to Canberra, stay in hotels and fly back to Sydney. The value of all this innovation to the Commonwealth and to the community is totally awesome @digikoolaid
Australia, here's your re-re-re-invented national web page
The 457 process may not be that badly broken. It looks like it worked well enough to import the hierarchy of your DTO. There was no digital talent in Australia you see. We had to import US and UK citizens on 457s so they could go to media events here and tell us how much digital talent we have in Australia. Yes, that is twisted, but it's also salaried public servants on 457s telling us to create start-ups and become self-employed while they stay on the government payroll. Totally awesome. @digikoolaid
Imitate to Innovate
It’s a waste of time for The Register to mention this (or anything else really) to the DTO, and it is not in the least surprising that none were aware of the Advocate's existence. The DTO hierarchy was poached from the GDS in the UK, and has no previous knowledge or experience of Australia. Some had never even been to Australia before they arrived to digitise the Commonwealth. As for “re-re-re-invention”, that’s Turnbull 2.0 at work. He says Paul Shetler and the DTO should copy the GDS “unashamedly”. Down here we call it “Imitate to Innovate” and it’s official policy since Liam and Paul signed an “Memorandum of Imitation” last month. Yes, Paul’s innovative digital marketplace was innovated in the UK first, and GOV.UK became GOV.AU. So we expect that the GDS innovation on Verify will be followed slavishly, as a new Australia Card. By being unashamedly modelled on the GDS, the DTO cannot avoid “repeating its failures”. Sadly all they can do is copy. Paul was recruited for exactly that reason. Imitate to Innovate in Australia. @digikoolaid
Ten years in the clink, file-sharing monsters! (If UK govt gets its way)
Contracted-out prisons - Privately managed prisons were introduced to the UK in the 1990s. At present there are 14 private prisons contractually managed by private companies such as Sodexo Justice Services, Serco and G4S Justice Services. These need revenues and inmates on long-stays are preferred. And you ask "who is Baroness Neville-Rolfe DBE CMG?" Is she the Minister for Private Prison Profitability?