Posts by Mark Scorah
29 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Aug 2007
Bill Gates says he'd do CTRL-ALT-DEL with one key if given the chance to go back through time
New measurement alerts! Badgers, great white sharks and the Lindisfarne Gospel
Must listen: We've found the real Bastard Operator From Hell
Here – here is that 'hoverboard' you've wanted so much. Look at it. Look. at. it.
Antarctic ice shelves not melting at all, new field data show

what a surprise
when it come to reporting climate stuff the reg gets it wrong and
"A few days after our article was published, a piece profiling our work appeared at the Register of the UK written by Lewis Page entitled, "Antarctic ice shelves not melting at all, new field data show." This is the equivalent of turning the statement "the cancer is not as bad as we thought" into "you don't have cancer." The severely distorted version of our study's conclusions then spread rapidly across the internet. It is a pattern that climate researchers have unfortunately observed many times, part of a widening gulf of misinformation between scientists and society. As one of the authors of this study, I can only repeat: this is not what we said. We have been misrepresented, and you, the reader, have been misled by some of those who claim---as scientists and journalists both surely should---to provide you with facts"
Apple flat-screen TV to ship by holiday season?
Americans resort to padlocking their dumb meters
OPERA grabs spanner, fixes kit, and slows down neutrinos
that's not the whole story.
Why not look at what Cern have to say? there are 2 possible effects. it's not quite so cut and dried as the reg/science mag make out. in fact they could even have been going faster than previously thought.
NASA: 2012 solar flares could DEVASTATE CITIES!
Zuckerberg: 'Make partnerships, not war'
Northants cops blow up suspicious school play prop
Ecstasy doesn't make rave-goers any stupider - official
MYSTERY of vanished PARIS spaceplane, playmonaut
Twitter bomb joker found guilty
F*ck you, thunders disgruntled fanboi Apple user
Phillies fan tasered for field incursion

Why don't they just...
draft in the local rugby (league or union matters not) club players in their off season to be stewards just like they do at the cricket. Oh yeah I remember american rugby needs all sorts of pads and helmets, and a major misunderstanding of the legitimacy of forward passes.
Granada to start losing analog telly tomorrow
Royal Navy warship almost fires on UFOs
Anti-radiation phone chip withdrawn from sale
LCD monitor biz squeezed at both ends
Europe delays accidental ban on MRI scans
Reg Standards Soviet defines temperature and force
velocity / pressure / density
velocity seems to be missing, kilodouble-decker busses per hour seems the most useful for longer distances, linguinis per second for samller things
pressure will obviously be jubs per square linguini, although the suggested lesser length of Heinz Baked Beans Tins (surely that should be HBBTs) might work as well and so it would be Jubs per square HBBT
density will be jubs per grapefruit
US men wrangle over three-year-old amputated leg
Britannia triumphs over Johnny Metric
Imperial vs Metric
I work in the offshore oil industry so we use a hodgepodge of measurements. Currently I'm mostly using mostly metric, but I mostly have used Imperial. Mostly irrelevant to most people but I can visualise what a psi looks like while I haven't got the foggiest idea what a Pascale looks like, let alone milliPascales. I use Barrels as opposed to Cubic metres, though the thing most people think of as a barrel is not a barrel it's a 50 gallon drum, a barrel is 42 US Gallons or approx 160litres.
In real life I use a mixture of both. Distances go millimetres, centimetres, inches, feet, yards/metres, miles.
Ounces have always confused me though.