The spoons always come out
Sorry. I am not the biggest fan of Eveshams Management and for sure, I dont like the way they treated their staff ... but to say they were spammers and good riddance ... is tosh!
I wasnt working there at the time of the SPAM Wall, however from my understanding, I believe it was a case of a mistaken approach. Something they were cained for .. and something they did not repeat. I very much doubt that any of the high and mighty here have not had any mistakes in their lives ??? He who is without sin.
The company lost its footing, for many reasons, from poor management, to the HCI being withdrawn at little or no nottce .. to the margins on PC's drying up. However they never ran short of clients. I am sure ex staff will back that up. People still lined up to buy product, it was just a case that the profit was not their.
The same things has happend to other uk buiders, who did not send out SPAM.
Evesham Facts.
1) They employed some of the best in the industry.
2) They produced some knock out products
3) They had a brand and reputation secound to non (distoryed August 07)
4) The had a poor management structure and never made the true leep from small/middle sized business into the larger corprate world. Everyone seems to agree the top managers messed up and stopped listening to those lower down.
It doesnt matter what Richard Austin and his mates do now ... the Evesham Days are gone. The brand and reputation is gone - I dont think the events of last August could have been handled any worse, if someone had set up to do so.
My advice to Austin ... go off into the sun with your money. As for the staff that are left .... I am sorry but the real Evesham died last August, let go and swim to shore. I like so many others left Evesham a long time ago .. and found bigger better brighter future elsewhere. Good luck