All Glory to the God Emperor
All glory to God Emperor Trump! The socialist dogs cannot win.
2 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Apr 2016
My concern with Nutanix going public is that they'll become vulnerable to a hostile take-over. Cisco is rumored to have offered $4billion. Obviously Nutanix has something special.
Critics of Nutanix' hardware are not appreciating the product in it's entirety. Nutanix has built a truly appliance-based infrastructure that lets you scale from 2U ==> infinity. Need compute+storage in a remote site? Throw in a 2U appliance; done! Need more infrastructure? Throw in another 2U box, it gets auto-discovered, joins the cluster, images and configures your ESX/HyperV/KVM hypervisor to match the cluster. BOOM! Hosting VM's in 15 minutes. Upgrades are literally 5-clicks (firmware, hypervisor, Nutanix software). Operations is drastically simplified and that's immensely valuable.
NetApp will be the biggest casualty of HyperConverged, and Nutanix is leading the charge. SSD is changing everything and the SAN is dead.